
Showing posts from June, 2022

Academic VS Practical (My perspective)

This is something I've been curious about for ages now, but recently, I was looking into it more than ever, so I thought about using this post to summarise the differences of how these 2 ways of learning work. (Psychologically, of course!) In case if anyone here is unaware of the differences of being academic & practical, they have the psychological capacity of showing how oneself can learn. If oneself is academic, that means they learn by doing written examinations. Whereas, if oneself is practical, that means they learn by doing hands-on tasks.  Luckily for me, I personally am both of those things. This means I'll have an equal say of how being academic & practical works in full effect. Academic: The first sign of realizing you are academic is having a keen interest in writing. Although, having a keen interest in numeracy  can also count as playing a role in showing signs in early academic development as well. The more good you become at doing these subjects , the mor

Inside the mind of a sociologist (Perspective post)

First things first, I'm so glad to have the time to be back at what I'm doing again! Realistically, this has been my first day of R&R since the 5th of June. As I've now become hooked onto how sociology works, I thought about sharing an insight as to how a sociologist visions the world through their inquisitive eyes... (Or you could say my eyes!) A sociologist will happen to be in a place full of people who tend to hang out in their own groups. Within those groups, the sociologist takes it upon themselves to interestingly identify how these groups tend to behave in the way that they do, in a bid to create social attraction. This is where the sociologist does their detective work, as they figure out what makes those groups influence other people to join in with them. But the sociologist is foremost fascinated by the way these people in their groups already endure their influential behaviour, as the sociologist can easily work out that it must be to do with how they social