
Showing posts from October, 2022

How spending time in nature can help with Mental Health

I was originally going to make a post to raise awareness for #WorldMentalHealthDay. But since it's now past the date, I'll use this post to talk about something  (in this post) that I've come across recently to help raise not only late awareness for Mental Health, but to give you a personal insight about one of my favourite ways to manage it. As I was out on a local walk this Sunday gone, I was just taking in my surroundings when the idea hit me to capture a picture of what I was seeing. I thought I could use this picture I took to discuss all the beneficial things about spending time in nature in my blog. Even if it's only for as short as 10mins. It has been proven in the Mental Health & Psychology industry that spending time in nature can have a positive impact on your Mental Health. Why? When you're out walking in a natural environment, your mind will become fascinated to take in all its naturistic things. Examples given: Leaves, rivers or even squirrels. Esp