
Showing posts from January, 2023

The psychology of addictive smartphone behaviour

Yes, welcome back to yet another small, but insightful research project of mine! I say small, as this is something which I've only been doing research on for a short period of time. I did ensure to scroll down slowly though, so I could take in every single word of what I was reading to help my head process everything. What I've chosen to publish for this post, is an inspiration from a picture I had come across on one of my psychology groups on Facebook, and I said to myself that I'll get round to making a post on my blogging website about it at some point. I thought this today would be my ideal time for me to do it! Although I had the picture, I needed to find a piece of research that would link well with the picture. I had typed in "psychology & smartphones" in the Google search bar, which took me to this article that came up 1st in the results page:  Here's my evaluation: *This was the

Type A Personality VS Type B Personality

Hello my readers! I hope everyone is enjoying their week so far, whatever you're getting up to. As what the title states, I will be discussing the comparisons between to 2 personality types in psychology. This was another theory which I have learned about in college last academic year, but since then, I have forgotten about it until recently. Hence the main reason I wanted to keep the memory alive by sharing what I've learned about this theory with all of you. The one thing I have found fascinating from this personality theory was that how contrasting the 2 personalities both were in general, as well as thinking about comparing them with one another by relating to people I know of in real life. This is what makes this theory more worthwhile to keep researching on.   Type A Personality: This personality involves oneself being as hard working as possible. Or to be more personality specific, I'm talking aggressively hard working. They feel as though they have to be working aga

Understanding Narcissism

Before I even begin, I just want to clarify by saying that this research topic I had mentioned in my previous post was actually found on WebMD. (Not on Psychology Today)   *I apologize there*😂 Anyway, I can't exactly remember what I was doing where I came across this article that was published on a website called WebMD. But what I do remember, is I instantly became curious to have a thorough read through the article which contains information about what narcissism is all about. Before reading through the article, I was already aware of what narcissism is, but at the same time, I wanted to plunge my mind deeper into the subject for the intention to develop a better & wide understanding of the reasons of how narcissism is unknowingly formatted into oneself. Here's what I have gathered... Discussion/Review: Narcissism is what is classified as a self-involvement that creates a dark personality trait to a person. Its overall intention is to fill their ego by purposely ignoring

What to expect from this blog throughout the new year, as well as the future

Hello everyone! First thing's first, I hope you've all had a great start to 2023! Regardless of whatever that may be. As for me, I am now currently in the exciting process of looking for bigger & better things for myself.  What I mean by this is I am throwing myself into psychology communities, which will help me to give me more confidence with connecting with other people in those communities that share the same passion as me. As a bonus, seeing what people post on these psychology communities will help to give me inspiration about what posts I should do, as well as sharing my blogging content with them. In other words, some of the future-coming posts on here might not be hand created by me. Meaning I will be sharing other people's psychology content on here too. Speaking of my blogging content, I am fully aware that last year hasn't exactly been the best year in terms of me keeping up with publishing on here, (see  "Into each life, some rain must fall"