
Showing posts from March, 2023

My outtake on YoungMinds #EndTheWait Campaign (20/3/23)

*Just so we're clear, I'm not fully back on here just yet. I'm only making a brief pop up on here, because I want to share my opinion on something that is important/concerning* I was meant to make this post on Monday, but I never got round to doing so until now. Better late than never I suppose. On Monday, (20/3/23) local MP's were invited to attend the Houses of Parliament to participate in YoungMinds' EndTheWait Campaign. Why? This is because the government has not been taking people's mental health seriously enough. The government had opened their eyes up to what was going on, and said that they will make a solid promise to end the wait for people's mental health to be seen to back in January of this year. Unfortunately, that solid promise had been abolished soon after, as the government decided to make other things their priorities instead. Last summer alone, including the time where the government first delivered its "end the wait" promise, yo

1 month later... (Blog update)

Yes, I'm aware it's now been a whole month since my last post on here. This has been because I had too many forthcoming priorities in my life I needed to focus on. Also, the workload on my college course has been, and still is full on right now. Of course, I need to make that a no.1 priority as well, which now means I have to remain momentarily unactive on here until things in my life have calmed down enough for me to focus on blogging again. I hope to be back on here soon. I am currently thinking of what to post next on here too. In the meantime, do feel free to check out my previous blogs!