The psychology involved with politics

First, let me begin this topic of discussion by saying that I have NO interest in politics, but at the same time however, I find it really fascinating why a large population of the world feel like they NEED to know how the law works in every country. Or even how different political parties work to make a difference in their local area.

Question overall:

How do politics influence us on how we see the world?  

First scenario:

Say if you were someone who was not happy about the current laws in your country, so therefore, you wanted to be the one who made those changes.

Right from this moment on, you start to gain an interest in politics, their parties and what they do. This way, you're inhaling in all of the understanding of how a party works curtsy of your curiosity, as well as what they do to make it work, which will make changes to your local area.

Eventually, all of your knowledge will pay of by joining a local party in your borough council. This will help you gain more knowledge by volunteering for businesses, campaigning for your chosen party and rising through the ranks to become a local MP in your area.

By doing so, this will give you more confidence to push yourself to become an MP for the UK! Which will help you to gain more power on these learned skills can shape the country.

Second scenario:

You have a very keen understanding with how local businesses can bring your whole local community together, and so you start researching some ideas on how to improve them...

You then proceed to share your ideas with your local party, in which, they've agreed to and begin working closely with them to work on their improvements for the community.

All of these improvements can consist of by asking these questions: Should we hire more people? Should we start more conversations with our customers; To help bring a more positive and encouraging attribute to our businesses? How about we include more cafes? Which would encourage more local people to come and spend their time at our businesses.

If all these ideas do come into play, you see a shining light inside you that says: "Well done! You should be proud of yourself by cleverly inventing these ideas to your community!" This kind of positive reflection will boost your confidence to get bigger with your ideas!

Third scenario:

You are very passionate about how different people are treated in this country, (Human Rights act.) but at the same time, you are not happy about how some people choose to diss obey that.

You then feel the need to start up a social media page which is aimed at 'Individual Liberty' and consists of this very question, but with different reasons: Why do people get treated differently because of their age, race, height, weight, gender, sexuality or even face?

By doing so, you'll be sending the message out there to the world, which will also be encouraging them to do the EXACT same thing, so that way, this law shall come down harder on anyone who chooses to go against it. This type of action is what's known as: Activism.

If your motivational account proves to be successful by having a million followers, as well as supporters, your fame and determination will be recognized by the creator of your social media account, and will therefore make it verified, as it will then start earning you money to help you build your activism career to a bigger level! Again, making you more confident to learn more about this topic.

Which now brings me to an end with this discussion. Thank you so much for reading and feel free to let me know how politics help YOU see the world. See you soon.


  1. Well reasoned Lauren. I believe all young people should show a modicum of interest in politics and the government that runs their country because one day something may tweak their interest. You only have to look at Greta Thunberg the 18 year old Swedish activist who rallied young people around the world to challenge their governments and world leaders regarding what they were doing to eliminate climate change, as she was extremely concerned about what kind of world they would eventually inherit.

    1. Hi,

      I like how you stated that young people thrive on showing an interest in how the government runs the country.

      I too, think it's important that they share their own opinions on how the country is being controlled.

      This encourages them to learn what key skills and qualities are needed to make a good politician in parliament


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