How #Autism can REALLY help an individual thrive in life

This will be another highlighted post courtesy from a website. (The Sun)

Which will be illustrating how Katie Price's autistic son, Harvey, has recently been offered the amazing role of becoming a 'Train Announcer'.

We'll be looking at how having these autistic traits, can help you succeed, in terms of doing what you really love to do.

First off, let me just say... I'm autistic myself, so I can totally relate to how it works.

If you've been reading the same similar news, it explains how Harvey's form of autism allows him to remember, as well as memorize every single thorough detail in the National Rail train announcements, in which, a certain train route will be announced to help people travel from A - B on their route.

Overall, Harvey seems to have a strong interest about trains, and is also very passionate about how they work. With that said, he has an occupied intention to look up their history, routes and companies etc.

If anyone else who has these autistic traits, will only have room for one thing in their life - Success! In expansion to this, they have an interest, they look up ALL the information, facts and history of their chosen interest and will keep going until their brain has soaked up EVERYTHING they need to know about their chosen interest to be able to get involved in the type of career they've been aiming towards throughout ALL their childhood and young adulthood.

In addition, the article states that Harvey needs care 24/7, meaning, he sounds like he is low functioning on the spectrum. I need to point out this fact, because these autistic traits can be easily confused with having 'Asperger's Syndrome' (I might explain that in another post) Which sits on the highest end of the spectrum and again, allows people to be thoroughly detailed when having a certain interest, as well as chasing it down in order to succeed.

But having all of these complicated needs DOES NOT stop him from achieving his goals - Another type of message which needs to be spread out more.

That concludes everything I want to disclose on this post and please feel free to comment about any type of advice. See you all soon!

👇Here's the article link below:👇


  1. Harvey has many difficulties in life and Autism is justvone of them. I see a programme about the recent changes he is facing with his next steps in life and the support that he needs to help him achieve new skills. Wishing Harvey lots of happiness and hope that he gets all the help that he needs and deserves ❤
    Lauren with the help and support that you have had throughout your school years, at home and now college.. being Autistic is driving you to achieve your goals and im so proud of all that you have accomplished.. the lovely, kind and positive young lady that you have become ❤ mum

    1. I will always appreciate everything you do for me mum.🥰

      I would not be where I am now if it wasn't for my School and your constant support.

      My goal is to inspire other people, as well as giving them psychological advice

  2. Another positive and informative post Lauren explaining in more detail what it's like living with autism - something many people do not understand. You have never let autism define your life and the goals you want to achieve. Your attitude to life would inspire anybody. I'm so very proud of you and I know one day you will achieve your life goals.💕💕🙏🙏
    Lynda Graham (Nan)

    1. You have always been very supportive of me nan.🥰

      I will always be forever grateful


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