How can listening to music benefit you psychologically?

I'm sure by now, most people can relate to how music can help you gain positive thoughts in your head. Which is why, I feel the need to further detail on this thoughtful experiment, to help people have a more better understanding of how it works.

*Here are some common quotes, which I hear and see a lot in relations to the benefits of listening to music*

 "Music is my life"      "Music is my escape" "Music makes me feel free" 

All of the stated quotations are correct, in relations to how does it make people feel. But the topic goes far deeper rather than just using basic quotations. On that note, let's dig in!

If you were in a depressed mood, in which, you intend to find a way to lift your mood clouds, but at the same time however, you don't feel motivated enough to be doing something physical.

In this case, listening to music would be the answer to that problem.

All you have to do now, is find one of your favourite songs, grab some headphones or earphones, sit back and............. let the words, rhythm and instruments take control!

This psychological procedure allows the music to overpower your mind of current stress. Meaning, it clears away all of the negativity. (This procedure can also be used to bring back nostalgic memories. See - )

What part does the words play?

The words create a meaning for every song. With that just said, it can be to do with love, memories, motivation or even life. They help you to think about people or something in particular you did previously, by listening to its meaning. In terms of love, the words of certain songs you listen to, makes you think about people or even just one specific person whom you love the most, by the written lyrics of the song which suite the person's personality. In terms of motivation, some songs tend to use repetition words in their songs, which can help boost your motivation to do something, in the way that they say it.


What part does the rhythm play?

The rhythm helps to create an enjoyable and catchy beat for us to play along to. Perhaps dance along to as well? (If that helps you) Playing along to the rhythm of a particular song, can help us to just focus on all the creative ways you can drum or tap along to, to ensure you keep up with the beat to help you get better and better. This way, you won't be able to think about anything else, other than something you're really enjoying in the moment of time. 

What part does the instruments play?

The instruments seem like another way of giving all songs a different meaning to them. By that, they create many different themes for whatever suits your characteristics best. Weather it's rap, soul, jazz, rock, pop, classic, cartoon, house or folk. Everyone has a different personality. Mine, for example, would very much vary from all of them. This is due to me always having a passionate love for music in general.

As always, thank you for taking your time to read through. Please feel free to let me know how music benefits YOU as a person. I shall see you in my next post. Laters!


  1. Well said Lauren. Everyone should surround their lives with music, as it alleviates anxiety, stress and loneliness.
    Lynda (Nan)

    1. Absolutely! Another way of describing this feeling, would be "Living in your own world" As your currently taking a break from reality


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