
Showing posts from May, 2021

I've just created another page on my site...

Yes, I have indeed, which you can now check out by clicking this link:  Mind Maps Otherwise, have a great weekend people!

How does your mind play tricks on you and how can you deal with it?

Ello all, I hope you're all enjoying your week so far... For me, I had a great day at College yesterday, and I did some Maths revision this morning. (Just in case I need to retake my final exam the following month) In this post, I will be highlighting all of the ways that your mind plays tricks on you... as well as the best ways of how to overcome them. Remember:  YOU are capable of being your own worst enemy, so always be careful with what you think about. Keep repeating those words. Example 1: You are at home currently doing some English revision, when all of a sudden... you begin to struggle with how to answer one particular question and your thoughts have gone all "blank" as you cannot think about anything at all. At this stage, your mind starts playing tricks on you by muttering these kind of words: "You'll never do it, so just give up now" "I'm such a disappointment" "I will always be stupid, because my friends can do these easily bu

What happens to your mind whilst craving fast food?

Hey everyone, I hope you're all enjoying your weekend, even though the weather has not been great right now. In this post, I thought about answering a somewhat curious question, which some of you may have or may not have asked. I know it's good to have fast food every now and again as a treat, but it's NEVER a good thing to have fast food EVERY SINGLE DAY. At the end of this post, I will attach an educational video explaining why. Why do people love fast food so much? For one, they are popular grown restaurant chains originated in the US, (I'm talking about McDonalds, KFC and Burger King etc.)  since then, they have become popular restaurant chains in the UK, Europe, Africa, Australia and even China. This was because these companies made millions enough money for other restaurant chains to expand. Secondly and foremost, they use the same recipe over and over again which is extremely unhealthy, but does taste horrifically good in the way which they make the food. If this

You are blessed because...

Just a quickie, but the title says it all. My main objective of this post, is to spread the message, and make people feel better when they're feeling down in the dumps. This is what is known as: "Common decency"   To all of my readers out there... You are blessed because... You have a loving family. You are blessed because... You have a roof under your head. You are blessed because... You have friends that look out for you. You are blessed because... You have education. You are blessed because... You have food and drink. You are blessed because... You can achieve anything you want. You are blessed because... You have feelings. You are blessed because... You are a human being. You are blessed because... You have clothes to wear. You are blessed because... You have entertainment around you. You are blessed because... You have many places to visit. You are blessed because... You are able to make decisions in your life. You are blessed because... You can NEVER be too o

Why do people tend to rage over video games?

Personally to me, this is something which I've ALWAYS found funny about, so with that said, I intend on sharing my thoughts, as well as probably giving out some facts and advice to help you readers or other people you might know that can't help raging over video games. Fun fact for you guys: I used to rage over video games when I was a lot younger! Before I even knew it, I eventually grew out of this habit! More to the point, I no longer have an interest in video games. How do video games cause rages? They usually occur when one tries so desperately to complete some kind of mission without messing up or trying to win something, so it makes them feel accomplished at the end by acknowledging they have something to brag about to others to make them feel jealous.  But, in order to do so, they have to insert full-on-concentration mode, as this method helps them to just focus on winning the game. This method is known to cause 'square eyes.'  If one does lose at a game, in whi

"NO EXCUSES" - Best Motivational Video By Ben Lionel Scott

Hey all, I hope you're all having a good weekend. Today, I'm feeling very generous about sharing my recent watched motivational video with you all.😊 *TOP TIP: When you watch the video, pay very close attention to the narration of how everything is being said , as this helps to capture the audience's attention and imagination * So, sit back, get those eyes at the ready and enjoy! Also, check out: @BENLIONELSCOTT on Instagram for more of his inspiring content!

"The Most Eye Opening 10 Minutes Of Your Life" - By David Goggins

I thought about doing something different for today's post, so here is my attached video which I have just watched recently and I found it very inspiring and touching.  I reckon most of you will feel the same way after watching it, as well as benefit yourselves for the future. Hope you all enjoy it!