What happens to your mind whilst craving fast food?

Hey everyone, I hope you're all enjoying your weekend, even though the weather has not been great right now. In this post, I thought about answering a somewhat curious question, which some of you may have or may not have asked.

I know it's good to have fast food every now and again as a treat, but it's NEVER a good thing to have fast food EVERY SINGLE DAY.

At the end of this post, I will attach an educational video explaining why.

Why do people love fast food so much?

For one, they are popular grown restaurant chains originated in the US, (I'm talking about McDonalds, KFC and Burger King etc.) since then, they have become popular restaurant chains in the UK, Europe, Africa, Australia and even China. This was because these companies made millions enough money for other restaurant chains to expand.

Secondly and foremost, they use the same recipe over and over again which is extremely unhealthy, but does taste horrifically good in the way which they make the food. If this makes sense to anyone?

What happens to your mind after eating fast food and what does it do?

After taking just one mouthful of food, your mind goes through all of these "nice thoughts" as you cherish the mouthful of that horrifically good food by saying: "Ohhh, this is so good, I love this taste so much, I never want it to end!"

After finishing your food, your mind is suddenly nagging you: "I must have more of that food, as it's so good" This is because it wants to cherish the taste forever and ever, so therefore, you waste more money, all because you now have an addiction to fast food. More to the point, you're also in the position where you don't know when to stop yourself anymore, as your newly fast food addiction has taken over your WHOLE mindset and craving fast food is all you can think about.

To make a long story short, this was the EXACT reason why I chose to stop eating fast food all together.

As mentioned, here is the attached video. It is a documentary by the way.

Thank you for reading through. As always, please do feel free to share your thoughts on my posts in the comments or with me in person and I shall see you all soon!



  1. Totally agree with your post
    Lauren and well done you having the strength of mind to remove fast food from your diet 👍👍Better health, better skin and it will definitely keep the weight off 😇😇
    Lynda (Nan)


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