A message from yours truly on NYE

Well, 2021 has slowly come and almost gone...

Personally, I think 2021 has been a decent year for me. In contrast however, I also encountered many personal struggles along the way too. (Reasons that I would rather not specify)

With all that said, I'll prioritize the T-minus 1hr year, 2022 (time as of writing this) to reflect and learn from my growth, struggles and journey, in order to slowly better making myself a step more successful in life. Oh yeah, let's not forget about my blogging business!😂

Anyways, I hope you're all having a good evening on the final night of 2021. Be sure you celebrate something that's at least worth celebrating if you intend to watch the live fireworks tonight!

Without further ado... Here's my inspirational message for you all:


"Now that yet another year is coming to a close end, take a bit of time to reflect on the good's and bad's. Regardless if you're satisfied or not, don't worry about dwelling on it, as you carry over into the 24th hour, meaning, NYD.

Once that first day of the new year has entered, you can begin to enjoy yourself, by making self plans for you to simply go out and chase down. Remember, every single day is ALWAYS a day closer to achieving something. Even if that something takes for as long as 3 years to achieve! I've been through similar, so I can totally relate to that.

Always use the past as a learning opportunity for your planned future, as the only legit way to succeed in life, is to make mistakes, so you'll be able to learn from them, as well as to become proficient at performing them correctly with practice. Explanation of a typical human function.

In conclusion and potentially, you only get to live once, so make as many plans as possible for you to go out and achieve! Life is how you create it!"



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