
Showing posts from January, 2022

YOU are NOT your thoughts

Evening all, hope you're having a decent weekend so far. I've been fairly proactive this week.  (Obvs being the courtesy of course work) Also doing planning about what my next post should be. Hence, it gives me a valid reason not to be spending time in my train of thought. In reference to my previous post - See here:  Does living in your thoughts help you escape reality?   I'll be explaining how your thoughts does NOT define you as a person. I'm sure those of you reading may think you are not alone in this too. Which is why I want to put my message out there to raise a common talking point. When your mind thinks about a scenario, in which, it recurs in your head over and over again, until it gets to the point where you PREDICT it may eventually happen one day. STOP RIGHT THERE! It is only a thought. It will never come true, as it will never exist and be brought to life. *In comes the simile & metaphor language*  Your mind is like a magnet. Don't let it become in

Does living in your thoughts help you escape reality?

A fairly quick, but interesting post tonight. As the Rhetorical Questionized title says, I've pretty much more or less spent today 'Living in my thoughts'. Only because today was a purposely nothing day, so I thought thinking would help me to keep my sanity. Don't take the above sentence the wrong way, as just casually thinking can very easily turn into overthinking. If you can relate to the stresses of overthinking, then you can understand my point of view. To justify my unexplained reason in the 3rd paragraph, I felt like thinking about my good times in the past. This helps me to take a momentarily break from my present reality, as I think about my successful moments that were worth applauding for. I like to use moments like these as self motivation fuel. Furthermore, I utilise that break from reality, in order to stop any negative thoughts come into my head, and potentially, waste my day feeling worried about silly scenarios which will never happen. *A pictured defin

The psychology behind conditioning

We're currently 15 days into 2022, and it's been so far so good for me at the moment. I say that, because I haven't been feeling anxious about anything during that time. Hence, I'm in a good enough headspace to be doing lots of blogging. So... as the above title says, I'll be talking about how the term 'conditioning' works. This is another thing which I've been studying about in my college course over the last couple of months. I find it really interesting, due to the fascinating psychological effects it can have on people and even animals!     What is conditioning? Conditioning is, you work out a way to train a human being or an animal, to do something to make them respond in the way you want them to.  The way how classic conditioning is demonstrated, is by using Ivan Pavlov's dog food and bell training example: He trained his dog to respond the the sound of a bell, then he put a bowl of food infront of the dog, so he can make it produce saliva. (T

Small update

Hello my audience, I know I haven't published recently, but I'll fill you in on that now... My college course revision has been the topmost priority, so therefore meaning, I need to focus on that for now. This is due to my big exam happing on Friday. With that said though, I DO have a post in mind which I intend on sharing with you all, but I'm now looking at sometime this weekend to do it. Be sure to keep an eye out for that!😉