YOU are NOT your thoughts

Evening all, hope you're having a decent weekend so far. I've been fairly proactive this week. (Obvs being the courtesy of course work) Also doing planning about what my next post should be. Hence, it gives me a valid reason not to be spending time in my train of thought.

In reference to my previous post - See here: Does living in your thoughts help you escape reality? I'll be explaining how your thoughts does NOT define you as a person. I'm sure those of you reading may think you are not alone in this too. Which is why I want to put my message out there to raise a common talking point.

When your mind thinks about a scenario, in which, it recurs in your head over and over again, until it gets to the point where you PREDICT it may eventually happen one day. STOP RIGHT THERE! It is only a thought. It will never come true, as it will never exist and be brought to life.

*In comes the simile & metaphor language* 

Your mind is like a magnet. Don't let it become into a disc player.

Everyone has the capacity to be a successful productive person, meaning, you don't need to be constantly dependant on your thoughts. They don't choose how you get to live your life, as your ambitions are the right candidates for that job description.

I think that sums up my powerful message.

To put my message into shorter and more basic terms - Always believe in your ambition, not your thoughts. These are both significant differences to how you choose to manage your mindset.

This is EXACTLY why psychology is needed to put these messages out there into the world, so everyone can understand one another. I like to think I have the milk of human kindness.💞 

Common decency, right?

Anyway, I'll let you enjoy the remainder of your weekend. Ta ta for now!


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