
Showing posts from August, 2022

Quote of the day... (Explained)

This has now been my 3rd recent post in about almost a month of absence... Yes, I did have a reason('s) why. Rather than waste this post rambling on about them, as could end up boring people. I am just going to cut to the chase by saying that I have been taking the lengthy time out to focus on myself. This is because I have, and will probably still have some very important decisions to make in my life going forward. I know for sure that it won't be an easy journey, but me being the determined & dedicated human being that I am, I'll find a way to keep pushing through without giving up. Back onto the post. The chosen quote I have picked out for you all is called: "Mental Health... is not a destination, but a process. It's about how you drive, not where you're going." - Noam Shpancer, PHD. Why this quote? Like I said before, I now have some important life choices to make which will require me, as well as my mindset to just focus on driving towards that ro

#Anxiety and living in different times

Something that I literally just came up with at the top of my head tonight. Personally, I'm not one for being against any of which one, but I'm just interested to know why. I am wary of the amount of people there are out there (including the people I know) that tend to live in whichever moment their mindset tells them to. Some may have the mindset capacity to live in all of them. Then again, everyone is different like that, so there is no misconception whatsoever. I'm just casually spreading my anxiety awareness to everyone. However, if anxiety was to play a part in what I'm talking about, it would be that it has to tell oneself's mind to be stuck in that mindset with no reason as to why not. Before, anyone here jumps the gun, as to say: "Do you know what you are talking about?"  I actually do, because my anxiety buffers to living in each of these moments due to me overthinking about things that I cannot change or things that are likely 99.99% (being cre

Even celebrities are just human beings (Anxiety Awareness post)

In a bid for anyone trying to gain a further recognition on how anxiety works on people, I am going to start making posts relating to anxiety. For this one, I have attached pictures of celebrities giving out their own perspectives on how anxiety makes them vision the world. What's their purpose? This is because they want to shed some light on everybody around them going through similarly to what they're going through, in terms of anxiety. Anxiety doesn't necessarily have to effect us ordinary human beings, it can happily choose to have an effect on a celebrity lifestyle as well. In fact, anxiety doesn't give a damn weather you're the nicest person in the world or even the smartest person in the world. It likes to bring a difference to people's everyday lives,  (including celebrities) so it makes them vision the world of mental health through their eyes. Also the world in general, goes by without saying. As a friendly reminder for you all, my outcome of these pos