"Into each life, some rain must fall"

As the quote states in the title of this post, I want to evaluate with you all what is the meaning of this quote is and why. This is especially because there may be people out there going through a rough patch right now. And just so it happens... I am one of those people. Hence my other main reason for this post.

What I am about to share with you all is very personal as to how I've been feeling for the past 2 months. My outcome for doing so is to encourage other people to shed some light about their feelings, as well as what they've been going through to make them feel that way in a bid to not feel alone. I know people intend to feel the need to not disclose their feelings at all to make them feel better, but inevitably, they will eventually just eat you alive by making you suffering in silence. (FTR, something I'm still in the process of  learning myself)

Not only will evaluating this quotation as to how I've been feeling help my reflect on myself, but I can use it to make me feel positively optimistic about what will be awaiting my future at the end of a temporarily pitch black tunnel.


During my last couple of posts, I've purposely used them to raise awareness on Mental Health. In some of these posts, I think I can recall saying that I hadn't had the time to be making posts much more often than I used too, as my focus was too prioritized on other things going on in my life which had prevented me from working on my blog. I know at first was being private as to why. However, now that I'm posting this under its title, I feel like this is the right time to disclose everything.

Here's the truthful reason behind it all...

Since the beginning of September, I began my final year at college. Towards the end of that month, I temporarily had to pull out of work in order for me to focus on my coursework. Also throughout that same month, I was getting back into swimming by getting my local leisure centre membership back. However, it had only lasted throughout September alone, as I then realized that my finance was going downhill which wasn't hugely down to paying £37 a month for my membership. Although I was crazy to even think I was able to pay that amount of money in the first place. Especially with my financial instability going on.

My finance first became unstable at the start of September, where I was due payment at one of the last places I was working at. Unfortunately, due to certain circumstances, (which I'm not allowed to go into detail about) I wasn't able to receive my full work payment. I say full, as that payment consists of a couple of previous jobs I did over the summer. To make those matters worse, I've been having to use the remainder of the money I've got for my travel to & from college. I do get money for my travel to college, but I only get it once per month. And if that wasn't enough, I had even paid £85 for 2 GCSE resits. Between juggling them & my coursework, my mind simply found it too hard to work on both at the same time.

As of now, I've gotten most of my resits over and done with. However, it has caused me to fall behind with some of my coursework revision due to me putting my focus upfront on my resists.

My life at home hasn't exactly been a luxury ether. I cannot afford to do much for myself right now due to my constant finance worry. Every time, I stay at home, my mind lives in a constant state of being angry about everything. Whenever I'm doing something away from home, I suddenly feel happy as if nothing has ever happened. 

Needless to say, my Mental Health has really been through it with all of the mentioned above that has happened. My anxiety has made me feel worried by continuously thinking about what the inevitable will be if any of these problems do not get better. Recently, it has gotten to a point where I feel so negative about everything that is happening in my life right now. So much, that don't give 2 slices of bread of where I'll end up in life.

This is where this quotation comes into play...

The more I think about the meaning of this quotation: "Into each life, some rain must fall" the more I make myself aware that there will be better times ahead. If we're talking psychologically here, every mindset has to experience sadness for it to become stronger. Otherwise, if it stayed happy all of the time, it would not know how to cope with being sad, let alone change it for the better.

To conclude off this long post, it is important to remain positively optimistic during a rough patch, like mine by doing what you enjoy doing in the meantime. I suppose it would be appropriate for me to compare what I'm currently going through now to how I had managed to cope during 3 of the COVID lockdowns.

There is always a way in life, stick with it.


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