
Showing posts from May, 2023

How moral support can feel so positive & rewarding

Evening everyone! I thought about doing 1 of these posts that I literally come up with at the top of my head. And this post shall be linked to what I was doing yesterday. So, 2 weeks prior, I got an email from the Samaritans Events Volunteer team, asking if I would be happy to cheer on cyclists who were undertaking the RideLondon event. Of course I gladly responded with a yes! I then yesterday headed up to Stratford City, East London, to hunt for the Samaritans cheering point. This was now my 2nd time I got to volunteer at a major event with Samaritans! As I arrived at my cheering point by the cycling track at the 95th mileage, I was warmly greeted by all of the rest of the Samaritans Events Volunteers, who clearly looked happy to be giving up their free time to come and cheer on the cyclists in aid of a good cause. I proceeded to get stuck in. Where we were stood at, we could see that some of the cyclists looked done for the day, let alone done with the race. Our job was to ensure tho

Where do children inherit their intelligence from?

After a long 4 month hiatus... I FINALLY have the time to come back blogging on here again! Rather then revisit on all of my reasons why, I'll just cut the long story short by saying that I had many life priorities to deal with since my last proper post on here, and quite literally many as well, which left me with no choice but to put myself off from blogging during that time. It was even longer than I had originally thought I was going to be off for. Back to my titled above topic, I was curious to know where intelligence comes from, and especially in children. This was something I was actually doing research on bit-by-bit during my said hiatus period. Although I was looking into several articles about where do children inherit their intelligence from, just to be sure that I was going to get the same response to help me find the answer into that piece of research. As it turns out, the final result into this research ended with that children inherit their intelligence from their mot