Where do children inherit their intelligence from?

After a long 4 month hiatus... I FINALLY have the time to come back blogging on here again! Rather then revisit on all of my reasons why, I'll just cut the long story short by saying that I had many life priorities to deal with since my last proper post on here, and quite literally many as well, which left me with no choice but to put myself off from blogging during that time. It was even longer than I had originally thought I was going to be off for.

Back to my titled above topic, I was curious to know where intelligence comes from, and especially in children. This was something I was actually doing research on bit-by-bit during my said hiatus period. Although I was looking into several articles about where do children inherit their intelligence from, just to be sure that I was going to get the same response to help me find the answer into that piece of research.

As it turns out, the final result into this research ended with that children inherit their intelligence from their mothers.

Why? This is because that intelligence is carried on something called an X chromosome. In which, woman have 2 while men only have 1. Not to criticise men in any way, but as women have 2 X chromosomes, their children are likely more to inherit their intelligence from those 2 X chromosomes.

What is an X chromosome? Because I am no expert on biology or science, I'll share this link of my finding's for you to see for yourself: https://medlineplus.gov/genetics/chromosome/x/#:~:text=The%20X%20chromosome%20is%20one,the%20total%20DNA%20in%20cells.

An X chromosome has also been believed to be a gene known as a conditioned gene.

A fun fact for you all, there was a laboratory study which had involved using genetically modified mice! The purpose was to see if any of the mice had maternal or paternal genes in 6 part of their brains. This was to see which of them controlled different cognitive functions such as, eating & memory habits.

There was another study where researchers from Glasgow took a more human approach. It had consisted of doing interviews with 12,686 young people from ages 14 - 22 every year from 1994. The determining results of these young people had included education, race, socio-economic status. However, despite this, the Glaswegian researchers found that the most accurate result was still the IQ of childrens' mothers.

Moreover, the bond of a mother & child is a crucial aspect for connecting intelligence together between the two, as researchers from the University of Washington found the link of mother & child bond & brain growth. The strong bond of a mother & child is then followed by allowing their child to explore the world, as they get given a sense of security. As a bonus, a close mother & child bond will help the child to solve problems, as well as unlocking their true potential.

That's all to say for this post now.

So if there's anyone out there who is keen to know where child intelligence comes from, you have your answer right here!

Since my work/study timetable isn't so manic anymore, I shall make time for another blog post next Monday. Stay tuned!😉



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