Today's quote of the day (Explained)

Wow... What a busy & hectic July that has been! I say that, as I've never had do so many things in just 1 month & 31 days. I suppose most of which had involved work related stuff + a bit of gettaway time in between. Makes me wonder if August will be the same outcome... (We shall see)

Going back on topic, where the picture below, displays my chosen QOTD for this post. 

As well as getting over my chaotic July, I have also this chosen quote to represent how I'm going to look ahead into the next 4 months of 2023.

Back to the QOTD meaning, why shouldn't you look back? Well, the past is in the past, and it shouldn't be revisited. That being said, it's something that cannot be changed, regardless of how you feel about it. All you can do is just look right into what lies ahead for you in the future, as it can motivate you through each day until whatever exciting will eventually happen.

Although to be honest, I could use this quote everyday, but I thought I would only use it for a specific time like this, where I have been through so much throughout this year, and I know I will be going through so much more as time goes on!


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