Today's quote of the day (Explained)

Well, looks like summer is starting to come to an end... I know that it was a random thing to say, but I felt like saying it anyway!

Moving on, I hope everyone is good & has been keeping productive, whatever that may well be. In my case, I've just been knee deep in work at Challengers Play scheme, as well providing myself with more better work opportunities for myself in the near future. (Something I might mention on here IF I get the job) 

As the above title states, this QOTD shall be dedicated to my current busy lifestyle.

Why does this chosen QOTD speak out to me? Well, this is due to the fact that my mental health always seems to be at its best when I am out & about doing stuff. This would also include my busy life, as I'm pretty much outdoors almost everyday doing something. Most of which are for essential reasons, such as work.

That being said, this would define my high level of physical health, because I like to get out everyday & do stuff. By doing so, helps me to distract myself from boredom. Or to be more specific on that, prevent myself from unnecessary worrying about things that don't need worrying about.

To conclude my explanation, my recommendation for anyone struggling to keep physically & mentally motivated would be to get out everyday & do something. Even if it's only for a walk round your local area, it's still better than doing absolutely noth8ng at all! Plus, this was something I've learnt myself when I did the Samaritans 310,000 steps challenge.


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