How making my own plans can make me feel so productive

Evening everyone! Hope you're having a good week so far.

Just to prewarn you all that this is going to be one of these posts where I just type as I go along. Meaning, it's not scripted beforehand.

The main reason behind this post, (as the above title states) is because I've personally been feeling pleased with myself in terms of my productiveness lately. As a matter of fact, I felt like 2023 has been a brilliant year for me, (and its not often I'd say that about how each year has been for me either) as I've been productive with so many things this year. Let alone get myself involved with new work opportunities, which help towards my future career in the police force.

I know I STILL do have the capacity to lack at plan making due to me sometimes lacking motivation & productiveness. My mind simply likes to zone out wherever possible. Especially on a day where I know full well I'm not going to be doing anything. Hence my "Ugh days". But the 1 thing I've learned about trying to keep myself & my mind as productive as possible by coming up with a continuous flow of plans, (regardless of what they may be) is to look for things to keep myself occupied with.

Again, I feel so thankful to now be in a position where I can do a lot of things to keep myself occupied. Whereas it could be going out to work at my 2 current jobs, going out to do things related to my future job, going out for exercise, travelling, blogging or even just working on a research project on here prior to posting. Looking back at last year, I remember I had experienced so many of my iqouted "ugh days" that I felt like they were taking over my motivation & productivity to do anything. Although I will hold my hands up by brutally admitting that I let it happen. Purely because I was so adamant on not doing anything else besides my L3 BTEC course in Public Services, as I had fears about become distracted of I did.


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