The difference between seeing Christmas Day as a child and an adult

Hey everyone, I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas. (Eventhough it was celebrated differently this year... Thanks COVID-19😒) With that said, I want to give you an interesting lecture on how kids and adults tend to see Christmas Day from a different perspective.

Say if you were about 7 years old, you typically write up to at least 20 things on your Christmas list, as you would have been into playing with toys back then. Therefore, you instead see Christmas Day as "getting more toys day" rather than wanting to knowledge the actual meaning of celebrating Christmas.

However, in respect of this point of view - when you're that age, you only get the opportunity to get new toys a few times (maybe 3) within a WHOLE year. So I understand why kids feel the need to have as many toys as possible, so that it allows them to experience using their imagination, as well as playing and expanding it. Believe me, I used to be the EXACT same person when I was that age - it was really good fun while it lasted!

But eventually, when you become 13, you start to realize that Christmas Day is about spending it with friends & family whilst enjoying a special meal together - instead of worrying about how many presents you receive that year. More to the point, you also start to slowly come out of the habit of playing with toys, as you feel like you need to take up more grown up hobbies. Examples given: Skateboarding, drumming or drawing. I think I started to get out of the habit of playing with toys when I was around that age too?

Thanks for taking your time to read this and I'll be interested to know how you used to see Christmas Day when you was a child. Merry Christmas!        


  1. Yes the older you get the more you appreciate what is important in life.. family and friends ❤

    1. Hi, thanks for your comment! Can you please leave your name and sir mane so I know who you are? Thank you


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