2020 in review and looking forward to 2021

I'd like to take a moment of my time to wish everyone a very Happy New Year despite the pandemic conditions we're currently facing. With that just said, I want to do a review on how the year 2020 went and what to look forward to in 2021.

Ditto to what everyone has been saying: "2020 was a challenging year for everyone on planet earth." (Well, at least 3 quarters of it has been) 

So instead of criticising why this year was so bad, let's highlight all the positive contributes that we did as a WHOLE country: When we went into full-on lockdown on the 23rd of March, we had to 'STAY AT HOME' Meaning: We cannot meet up with anyone, go to work or a place of education and only go out for essential shopping & exercise once a day. It was a depressing 2 months for everyone I'm sure, but one of the two attributes which really stood out in this dark time, was when staying at home gave us all a chance to spend more time reflecting on ourselves - For example: How can I improve myself in life? Answer: Do something creative. (Like what I'm doing) This helps to take your mind off all the tragic things which COVID-19 is doing right now and makes you focus on moving forward with your creativity.

The other, and most big attribute, is how every single person in this country is capable of forming together as a whole and helping one-another get through this difficult time. One example of this would be texting/calling your friends or family members to check how they're coping with life - One of the many social issues that gets talked about so often, due to the amount of suicide risks increasing since locking the whole country down. In addition to all this, we showed our appreciation for the NHS by clapping for them every Thursday evening until the 28th of May. This helps spreads the word to them that they're doing an absolute boss of a job with trying to keep people alive, as well as making them better again.

During the summer, the outlook was getting better and we were allowed to live an 'almost normal' life again. Meaning: We can see friends, go somewhere to eat & do shopping or even go on a short holiday elsewhere in the country.

However, come October, the infection & death rate rose up again, which led us going into a mini month lockdown in November. So we began using our learned social skills again. Shortly after that, we only came out of the mini lockdown before the infection & death rate REALLY surged up 3 weeks later, which meant, those living in tier 4 restrictions couldn't have a normal Christmas & New Year. (Which is what happened to me...) But in light to all this, it gave us a chance to spend it in our little 'social bubble' with our families whilst saying: "Everything will be ok, we will all get through this together" This will help us to keep positive.

Final paragraph on the subject, let's all go into 2021 with a positive outlook. Don't make any big plans while getting your hopes up about them, because they may not happen for a long while, which can only lead to disappointment, frustration and anger - You don't want this to reflect on your family don't you?

That brings me to an end with this informative and helpful blog. Hope you all enjoyed reading and please feel free to talk to me about how you are feeling in relation to these current circumstances.

Take care, and remember - Everyone is in this together.✊💞     


  1. A considered, thoughtful and positive blog post. 👍👍

    1. Hi, thanks for your comment! Can you please leave your name and sir name so I know who you are? Thank you

  2. Very true and well said with positivity 👍👏

    1. Hi, thanks for your comment! Can you please leave your name and sir name so I know who you are? Thank you


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