My deep psychological review on the latest episode of Casualty

Wow... I've just seen the latest episode of Casualty, and it was filled with a mixed bag of emotions. Allow me to elaborate on those mixed emotions... 


Yesterday's episode (2/1/21) was highlighting the very reality of which ALL hospitals have been facing during the full-on lockdown back in March - May 2020 - COVID-19. To make this review easier on myself, I'll break it down by using questions for each point I make. Here we go...

Who were the main characters involved and what did they do?

The main characters were: Connie, Charlie, Ethan, Will, Rash, Jacob, Noel, Dylan, David, Jade, Marty, Robyn, Fanisha, Lev, Jan & Faith. They all played their roles in the hospital trying to comfort and save lives of patients with COVID-19. Connie (Amanda Mealing) was acting as the senior consultant by making sure that all her colleagues were doing their jobs, as well as telling them that she had faith in every single one of them. This is an encouraging message which she puts inside their heads to ensure them that they've got this, as we already know that COVID-19 is prone to making people severely unwell, which makes it very difficult to treat. Ethan, (George Rainsford) Rash, (Neet Mohan) Will, (Jack Nolan) Dylan, (William Beck) David, (Jason Durr) Jacob, (Charles Venn) Jade, (Gabriella Leon) Marty, (Shaheen Jafargholi) & Robyn (Amanda Henderson) were acting as doctors/nurses by treating, as well saving lives of the patients affected with COVID-19. Just like in reality, they provided comfort to their patients by starting conversations with them. Doing this helps them to keep focused on the bright side of life, rather than worrying about dying, as we all find dying scary, right?

How did the COVID-19 patients make us all react? 

There were at least 2 patients who were both doing really well at first, but then after a while, their breathing worsened by the effects of the virus getting into their lungs. This brings us round to say: "How did something like this manage to kill someone within a short space of time? This is how really serious catching COVID-19 is..." 

*A combination of sad, scary & shocked emotions used in this reaction*

One female patient was massively struggling to breathe at first by doing a face-time with her worried family. This immediately makes us react: "Oh no! Will she make it?" But right at the end of the episode, she comes out running to her family looking right as rain again. 

*Deep relief emotions are used here*

One other female patient who is pregnant, has been confirmed positive, but was not showing any breathing difficulties. As soon as she gives birth to her baby boy, Ethan thinks about what to do with the baby, as he becomes worried of skin-to-skin contact with a positive COVID-19 patient. He then makes the choice to give the baby to its mother. Towards the end of the episode, she is seen walking out of the ED with her baby son. This must be a real life insight as to what pregnant woman have to do to give birth during the pandemic, it must be difficult, as well as stressful.

Noel, (Tony Marshall) who is the receptionist of the ED, seemed all active at first, later however, he started showing COVID-19 symptoms and therefore, had be admitted. He was having a heart-to-heart conversation with Connie (to give hope for the audience) to help him focus on getting better, but eventually, his breathing worsened, which led to his unfortunate death... As it was so unexpected for everyone else, the aftermath brought a huge shockwave of sadness. Which also has an effect on the audience watching too.

What is the conclusion of this episode?

COVID-19 is real... Eventhough the NHS staff may seem like superheroes, but in reality, they're just ordinary human beings who do extraordinary things to make people better. Please follow the government guidelines and social distance wherever possible.

Thanks for reading and I shall be back soon with another post!


  1. An excellent review and message to everyone. Well done Lauren.

    1. Hi, thanks for your comment! Can you please leave your name and sir name so I know who you are? Thank you


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