
Showing posts from January, 2021

10 steps to a positive body image

This is an interesting topic of conversation, in which, I came across recently. (Courtesy of my College) I personally feel like we need to be spreading these messages out more to the world, as there still could be THOUSANDS of people putting themselves down due to their dissatisfaction of their body image. It is deeply important to justify that we are human and we can only function with positive energy.  Take a look for yourself and have a good long reflect.    Just remember - You are ABSOLUTELY BRILLIANT regardless of who you are, what you do and whatever you're background is.✊ I rest my case.

The psychology involved with cybercrime

Hey all,  I was intending to make a post earlier in the week, however, I had my head buried in coursework all week, so I wanted to get that out of the way. Also, I've just finished a course on The Open University called: "The psychology of cybercrime" So I reckon now would be the perfect time to disclose everything I've learned with you. Question overall:  Why the need for cybercrime? Let's explore the psychological factors! First scenario: Say if you were a Twitter user, and you noticed that one of your friends has a 2nd account for some peculiar reason, you then immediately presume they created it, and therefore, proceed to follow them. However, what you fail to realize, is that your friend DID NOT create that account, in which it was created by somebody who has an intention of hacking them. By doing so, they know that you're following them on twitter, which will allow them to take advantage of your account by looking into your personal details, as well as y

"Old habits die hard"

The phrase "Old habits die hard" means you're trying so hard to quit doing something that you keep doing, but at the same time however, you can't stop doing it... This can be seen as a good or a bad thing. Let's talk about the psychological effects of how a habit can be triggered and how it can keep occurring. In addition, how we can overcome it!    * Note to self*   Everyone has to experience this at least once in their lifetime, as it is all part of how you function as a human being; by knowing that you've made a mistake, as well as being able to learn from it to help remind you. I've been round that block time and time again. Example 1 You always seem to like the idea of having maple syrup with every meal you have, but everyone says you can't keep having it all the time, as it's unhealthy for you and can increase your risk of getting diabetes. Baring in mind, YOU also know this fact and desperately want to end this habit, but you can't, as

The psychology involved with politics

First, let me begin this topic of discussion by saying that I have NO interest in politics, but at the same time however, I find it really fascinating why a large population of the world feel like they NEED to know how the law works in every country. Or even how different political parties work to make a difference in their local area. Question overall: How do politics influence us on how we see the world?   First scenario: Say if you were someone who was not happy about the current laws in your country, so therefore, you wanted to be the one who made those changes. Right from this moment on, you start to gain an interest in politics, their parties and what they do. This way, you're inhaling in all of the understanding of how a party works curtsy of your curiosity, as well as what they do to make it work, which will make changes to your local area. Eventually, all of your knowledge will pay of by joining a local party in your borough council. This will help you gain more knowledge

Information about commenting on my posts

Hi all, quick update here...  If you wish to make a comment on any of my posts, I would advise you to type in your name and sur name in brackets. This way, I'll know who you are when you leave a comment, as I've seen a couple of people who commented with their user name being classified as 'unknown.' Or you can just create a blogger account, which will allow your actual user name to be seen when you make a comment. That's all for now.

My deep psychological review on the latest episode of Casualty

Wow... I've just seen the latest episode of Casualty, and it was filled with a mixed bag of emotions. Allow me to elaborate on those mixed emotions...    Yesterday's episode (2/1/21) was highlighting the very reality of which ALL hospitals have been facing during the full-on lockdown back in March - May 2020 - COVID-19. To make this review easier on myself, I'll break it down by using questions for each point I make. Here we go... Who were the main characters involved and what did they do? The main characters were: Connie, Charlie, Ethan, Will, Rash, Jacob, Noel, Dylan, David, Jade, Marty, Robyn, Fanisha, Lev, Jan & Faith. They all played their roles in the hospital trying to comfort and save lives of patients with COVID-19. Connie (Amanda Mealing) was acting as the senior consultant by making sure that all her colleagues were doing their jobs, as well as telling them that she had faith in every single one of them. This is an encouraging message which she puts inside th