
Showing posts from February, 2021

Are you with or against 'society'?

This is something fascinating which I've been thinking about lately, as this is proven to be a rather popular topic of discussion to gossip about nowadays; Being that this is the 21st century! To put these questions in simpler terms: Do you like to blend in or stand out? Do you care about what people think of you or are you not bothered? Do you enjoy being popular or unnoticed? In relations to all of the above questions, just simply enjoy being who YOU are, regardless if you like to follow society or not. Scenario 1: You are a keen sports person, and you follow one of these 'social media influencers' who looks ultra fit, with their six pack, pressed out chest, pressed out pecks, ripped limb muscles and their muscular body. You suddenly decide, you want to look and be EXACTLY like them. So, you therefore start finding ways to build up your muscles, as well as working on your intended six pack. Eventually, you then have this strong thought in your head saying: "I really

My favourite life quotes

I thought about doing something relatively different for this kind of post; Since I personally think that everyone needs a fairly decent amount of hope from time to time. Which is why the above title explains my chosen topic. *This is something which I very much struggle with already, and talking about it really does help*   *I also strongly advise everyone else to do the same, as one of my goals for this blog, is to encourage people to discuss their inner feelings more openly to a wider audience, so that they don't feel 'alone' by thinking they're the only ones who suffer from their demon thoughts*   (Courtesy of: )

How can listening to music benefit you psychologically?

I'm sure by now, most people can relate to how music can help you gain positive thoughts in your head. Which is why, I feel the need to further detail on this thoughtful experiment, to help people have a more better understanding of how it works. *Here are some common quotes, which I hear and see a lot in relations to the benefits of listening to music*   "Music is my life"       "Music is my escape"   "Music makes me feel free"   All of the stated quotations are correct, in relations to how does it make people feel. But the topic goes far deeper rather than just using basic quotations. On that note, let's dig in! If you were in a depressed mood, in which, you intend to find a way to lift your mood clouds, but at the same time however, you don't feel motivated enough to be doing something physical. In this case, listening to music would be the answer to that problem. All you have to do now, is find one of your favourite songs, grab some headph

"Feeding your motivation"

In this post, I want to give you all a lectured insight, as to how you can "Feed your motivation". It actually turns out to be really simple! Just simply keep on doing what makes you happy.  For instance, running makes you happy, and you have a keen interest of becoming a long distance runner. But... to be able to reach that long-term goal, you need to have the dedication to work hard, as well as push hard to be able to get to where you want to be. However... you also need to be aware that there are physical and mental obstacles, in which, you HAVE to face, as well as finding a suitable navigation (both physical and mentally) to boost your confidence towards the next level in terms of reaching your goal. One way of doing so, is looking for inspiration around you. Watch some videos about that certain interest which makes you happy, to see if you can copy their tricks and tactics, in which, helps THEM to succeed in relations to finding their motivation. Or you can ask your frie

How #Autism can REALLY help an individual thrive in life

This will be another highlighted post courtesy from a website. (The Sun) Which will be illustrating how Katie Price's autistic son, Harvey, has recently been offered the amazing role of becoming a 'Train Announcer'. We'll be looking at how having these autistic traits, can help you succeed, in terms of doing what you really love to do. First off, let me just say... I'm autistic myself, so I can totally relate to how it works. If you've been reading the same similar news, it explains how Harvey's form of autism allows him to remember, as well as memorize every single thorough detail in the National Rail train announcements, in which, a certain train route will be announced to help people travel from A - B on their route. Overall, Harvey seems to have a strong interest about trains, and is also very passionate about how they work. With that said, he has an occupied intention to look up their history, routes and companies etc. If anyone else who has these autis