How does each colour give you a variety of different emotions?

Hi all, I thought about sharing this psychological fact with you, since I'm currently in the process of building up my thoughts for an upcoming bigger post.

Which consists of how thinking about a certain colour can make you feel like. This is something that I experience a little bit with already. I'll share my examples...

BLUE - chilled, cool, energetic, calm, cold, wet.

RED - evil, scared, love, hot, angry, fierce, blushed.

GREEN - healthy, fresh, wild, environmental, scientific.

YELLOW - happy, cheerful, bright, dangerous, summery.

PURPLE - beautiful, creative, musical, hyper.

PINK - love, girly, (not stereotyped) kind, crazy, sweet. 

ORANGE - Tangy, (food & drink related word)  

GREY - old, misty, depressed, historical, dull. 

WHITE - wintery, clean, plain, confident. 

BLACK - intelligent, sporty, shy, dark. 

BROWN - chocolate, dirty, natured. 

I'll say no more, here's the pictured example for you to glance at. This time, with added branded logos to help expand your imagination and feelings.

That's all for now. Please feel free to let me know if you experience this type of similar thing and I'll be back soon.😊


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