My best nostalgic moment of all time

It's been a week since my last appearance, due to me focusing finishing College for the summer and going out to work. But here I am again in my free time, looking for ideas for my upcoming posts, when... ker-ching! I know what to post today!

As the above title states, this is a happend something which relates to ME, so it's not going to be a public educational post.

However, please do feel free to read if you are interested.

On this day in 2018... (29th June)

At 3:15pm, I was walking around my School car park trying to look for my taxi, when I happen to see my first ever taxi escort (when I was in reception class) having a conversation with my current escort; Kay.

Although, I've technically seen her around for 3 months by then, but when I first saw her for the first time in which seemed like a decade ago, I was like: "No way! That can't be her, my first ever escort who I haven't seen for ages!" Her name was Lee by the way.

Whilst Kay and Lee were enjoying their conversation, I walked up behind Lee's back and tapped her on the shoulder, then said: "Is your name Lee?" She replied with: "Yes." Then I asked if she knew who I was and replied with: "Yeah, I think so? You do look familiar"

I began to tell her who I was and how she used to be my first ever taxi escort during my first 2 years of School. Her next reaction made music to my ears, as she said: "Oh yes! You've grown so much since then!"

I sense in my head, this is right when she started getting flashbacks in of all these memories of when she used to be my first ever taxi escort, by playing with my toys before School started and tickling the palms of my hands whenever I slept in the taxi on my way home. I can tell by her reactions that she was just as happily heartwhelmed as I was when we began sharing our nostalgic memories to one another.

After our introduction, I said to Lee: "I saw you come back 3 months ago, and I wanted to go up to say hello to you, but I thought you wouldn't recognize me." She replied back with: "Well so you should, as I would've recognized you!"

I added on that our text driver used to be called Mel and if Lee still remembers her back then, which she does.

Finally, she said: "Aww, bless you. You've really made my weekend now that you've told me all that." As she still couldn't believe how much I've changed during all these years since we last saw each other, but Lee hasn't changed one bit, which made me recognize her in the first place. I was honestly amazed how she still looked the same the whole time.

I remember thinking to myself that this nostalgic moment made my weekend too.😊

That's the end of that.

Thank you for taking your time to read through my happy nostalgic story. Please feel free to let me know about what your thoughts are on it and I shall be back very soon with a normal educational post.


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