Why do people get overhyped about football?

Wow... 7 months I've been blogging now! I'm so honestly amazed of how I've managed to stick to it for this long. 

*Inserts applauding noises here*👏🏻

Anyway, I hope everyone is enjoying their week, as well as the Euro 2020. Yes, I say that, because we are now through to the quarter finals, where we will be playing Ukraine on Saturday.😄

Since we're on the topic of football, I thought about specializing this post for just such an appropriate occasion.

I just like to justify that football is NOT for everyone, so I honestly see no need for people to criticise one another, just because it's a popular sport worldwide. (Almost)

What is it about football that makes it so popular?

For starters, they began making European and almost worldwide tournaments back in 1888 by a guy named: William McGregor. Link here: https://www.google.com/search?

Secondly, as the ever-growing tradition became so successful, It attracted many fans from all over the globe! At this stage in time, the sport lovers will now vision football as "The best thing ever" As of such, they feel the need to brag to other people face-to-face or on the internet that you MUST know about football.

Finally, the players make a HUGE impact on their fans, by playing in the games, influence people on social media and even appear on adverts to gain more popular with the public, as well as the advertising company they appear on. This encourages the public and fans to know more about them, due to the high law of attraction they are gaining.

What thoughts and emotions run through your mind during a football atmosphere?

Let's say you're a mass Chelsea supporter (My supported team btw) and you love going to every single game at their home ground to see them play.

During the game, you would be sat there feeling tense, as you don't know who is going to score yet. This phrase is known as 'The waiting game' The more tension you build, the more your heart starts beating.

If your team was to score and win the game, your mind automatically gets these thoughts of joy that your team had achieved something that day, feeling very proud of their progress. Also, you feel relieved that they've managed to score in the first place, by lifting a heavy weight of your shoulders l.

However, if the opponent team was to score and you lose the game, you automatically gets these thoughts of frustration and anger that the other didn't deserve to score, due to them playing dirty or your team were genuinely playing poorly. Whilst these thoughts happen, you can physically feel the tension running through your body like electric and you need something else to take your mind of it.

This can also be the same scenario when you actually go out and play football for real.

So realistically, your thoughts and emotions are playing on a seesaw when it comes to watching and playing football, as you don't know which way the game will make them tilt to. If this makes sense to anyone?

As I happen to like football, I know what I am talking about here.

Thank you so much for reading through my what ended up being a long post today.😅 Please feel free to comment or let me know in person whatever your thoughts are on this topic and I'll try to post again over the weekend. See ya!


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