"The internet is like a genie in a lamp" My own definition with added psychological explanation

Yes, I am fully aware that this title may sound strange to most or even all of you, but once I begin my explanation about it, you'll understand what I am talking about.

This is a definition which I've come up with ages ago now, so I thought about sharing its meaning, as well as what people think about when using it.

What does this definition mean?

It means, that when you think about anything you wish to look for on your mind, you type it up in the search bar on the internet and... BOOM. The internet finds EXACTLY what you wanted to look for! Example given: You want to find out the best Spanish recipes


Why does a genie relate to this definition?

You know when you rub a genie's lamp or bottle and they appear straight away? You then say: "I wish I can play my favourite computer game on the internet" Before you even know it, you get your wish granted and you're playing your favourite computer game on the internet, as it felt like yesterday enjoying them good times, except it could've been years ago.

It is the same scenario when you type in your wish to play your favourite computer game in the search bar on the internet, so it appears straight away and you therefore, have your wish granted.


What does this definition make people think?

As these 2 scenarios link very well with each other, it makes people think that the internet is the best way to fore fill you down time, by wishing what you would like to look up on the internet and see if you get that wish granted.

This could be the most typical reaction of most people: "WOW! The internet is like having your own genie in your computer/laptop, as I can look up anything!" Which is very true in that statement, as the internet is purposely hand created, so it can help the public find useful information with whatever they need to use for in their work purposes.

Since one source of internet became increasingly popular for the worldwide public to use, there were many other sources created, such as: Bing, MSN, Yahoo and Google Chrome. (Which is my personal favourite) More people began responding with: "I love the internet so much! Every source has what you are wishing to look for!"

Final conclusion: The internet will always be the best source for looking up stuff, as it comes up straightaway and the answers can appear on multiple browsing sites! "Just like a genie!" (A quote from Spongebob Squarepants)😂

Thank you for reading through. Please feel absolutely free to comment your thoughts below or tell me in person and I shall hopefully make another post in 2 days time!

Have a good night.



  1. Great analogy Lauren - never thought of Google like that but your right, it answers all our questions and queries just like a Genie.
    Lynda (Nan)


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