A small update

Hello my audience, I know it's been a long while since my last activity on here.

I know you may well be thinking: "Why hasn't Lauren been active lately? I presume she's busy with coursework and could be thinking of new topics to talk about for this blog."

However, I can assure you, that's not the case at all.

The reality has been the fact that I've been dealing with some personal problems during the past month, which meant I haven't had the energy to think about what my next post('s) should be.

Hence, I've been away on holiday this week to help me refresh my mind, as well as just to simply enjoy myself.

Anyway, as of today, I now feel much more motivated about what to do with myself within the foreseeable weeks ahead.

I don't want to keep droning on about it all, so I'll wrap things up for now.🙂

By the way, Happy Day of The Dead!


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