Just a little something for #WorldMentalHealthDay

Hello peeps, hope you've all been healthy and well recently, especially on a day like today. Why? Because today (10/10) is World Mental Health Day.

Why the occasion? As mental heath can impact one on a day-to-day basis, without even acknowledging that it's even playing inside your mind at all. With that said, you could say it's like living with a demon inside your mind, which somehow got trapped in there and can't get out - Making people feel down.

This is why I feel like talking about the reality of how Mental Health works and why, so I can ensure people that they are not alone in relations to this.

Now, in case if you're new and not aware, I have always had an interest with how different minds work and why they work the way they do, hence I became hooked onto psychology. However, when I was much younger, (probably up until 15) I didn't even know the term was called psychology. I actually got hooked onto it when I was 17.



You are absolutely bloody amazing of who you are and what you've become. Your Mental Health is just there to sometimes tell you that you're not good enough, therefore, making you feel anxious and miserable all the time. Never let it define you as a person.

However, the reality is you are smart enough to know that these thoughts are just lies to make you feel guilty.

You have many people that care about you, to ensure you are doing alright. Always check on them back to repay the same human kindness.

You know you're exceeding in life, as you have a planned future ahead of you. Just keep yourself focused by constantly finding that self-motivation you've never had before.

Knowledge the fact some people like to put you down, as they have no understanding of the impact of Mental Health. In this case, YOU are your only limit to success.

Cherish every loving moment with friends/family or even if it's on your own, as it can may well have a good reflect on your life, as well as Mental Health.

Never, ever, EVER feel like you can't interact with anyone, just because your demon thoughts are taking over your mind. Talking will always be the solid reason why people feel motivated the way they do. You'll never know... it could may even save somebody's life.💜💜💜


  1. Well said Lauren 🙌🙌 I enjoyed reading your thoughts on mental health and how to work at dealing with it. Tough subject. 💙💚💙💚


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