1 Year ago today... I created this blog!

Balloons, streamers and fireworks all round for this post!🎈🎉🎇

As today, marks the 1st anniversary of this blog!

Exclamation mark moments aside, I wouldn't be as motivated as I am today if I hadn't taken up the interest and passion to blog. Here's the timely reminder why...

Once upon a time, unknowingly aware that there was a 3rd national lockdown on the horizon, I was feeling so damn bored with myself, my mind had simply had enough of not being able to find any motivation.

That was the very moment I had decided to use my hidden initiative (at that time) and CREATE MY MOTIVATION. Hence, Psychology Intake was born.

Not only did I want to use my initiative to constantly feed my motivation by taking up blogging, I've also developed a strong passion for sharing my interest knowledge to an audience, as I one day hope to become an inspiration on how understanding psychology can shape the world, let alone people.

As of now, I know that I've still got a LONG way to go on my journey until I reach that goal in my life. But I will never quit trying. I will continue to look for more ways to become a worldwide game changer. Basically, change the world.

What a milestone to celebrate. 

I must take this moment to also thank my viewers (1,769) and those of whom who have given me constant support (you know you are if you have) for constantly driving me to keep going with my blog.😊💜 

Here's to more progress!✊


  1. Well done Lauren. I know creative writing is something you love doing and this blog is a fine example ❤👍🎊🥳 Love Mum Xx

  2. Congratulations Lauren - your blog posts are always well written, different and interesting to read. You're already a great inspiration with your positive attitude and I know you will go from strength to strength making the best of what life has to offer. 💖💖💖
    Lynda (Nan)


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