Announcement for something happening next month...

Hello all! 

First off, I just like to say that I've had a great week of keeping myself productive! I said in my previous post that I will be off limits prior towards my screen time. Being away from my screen, allows me to detox my mentality, so I'll be able to think more clearly in terms of planning important stuff.

Also, as the title states, this will be ONE of my good things to come in the long run... 

Throughout next month, I will be participating in the 310,000 steps challenge, in aid of Samaritans Charity.

With that said, though, I will find it difficult to be keeping myself active in my blogging business. So if I happen to not be publishing much by then, you'll know why.

Back to my challenge topic. 

I personally feel like me taking part in this challenge, will benefit me to stay physically active, so it inspires me to be determined to achieve something. No matter how big or small that something is.

Furthermore, doing this challenge should inspire other people to enjoy active outdoor life.

All in all, have a good night everyone! 

I will try to do some proper posts before my challenge starts. Stay tuned!🙂


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