What does it mean when you dream about someone?

Hello my people! I hope everyone is enjoying their weekend thus far. As for me, I've been back at my busy everyday college routine once again.

During my productive week off, I was curiously looking into the fascinating topic of dreams. To be more specific, I was looking into what happens when you dream about someone, and of course, why!

*Disclaimer* This evidence was looked into before publishing. I didn't just make it all up as I went along.

You see, sometimes we have these dreams, where we can actually see somebody (or more) in them. The overall question is: Why do we dream about them?

Research has shown that we dream about people we know, based on how we feel about them. With that said, these type of dreams could be telling us to pay more close attention to that person we keep thinking about. Whilst our mind is unconscious, it is trying to connect the dots to help us find more evidence.

All in all, it is a fascinating experiment to acknowledge how our unconscious mind can communicate with our conscious mind. 

In order to ACTUALLY dream about someone, our mind has to be constantly thinking about them. This will only make it harder for our mind to erase them. More to that point, this is a clever way of manipulating our dreams, as our mind has the capacity to dream about ANYTHING at all.

The misleading thing in all this, is when we dream about someone, are THEY dreaming about US because they are missing us? Although, it may be satisfying to think that's the case at first. However, the truth is, it really isn't. When we are dreaming about someone, it is a summarization of OUR life, not theirs.

I should think that answers that particular question on anyone's mind!

Just in case if any of you are wondering about my evidence, here is the source link: https://www.psychnewsdaily.com/what-does-it-mean-when-you-dream-about-someone/


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