I'm thinking about working on my self-care throughout next week

*A bit of inspiration from TheAutismDad blog*

As I've had a great day walking today, it gave me enough positive inspiration to go out walking throughout next week. I thought it would be a productive way of occupying myself, in a bid to keep healthy & active, as I could really do with the fitness kick.

Not only that, but there is psychological reasoning behind my intended self-care. As soon as I go back to college the following week, I have to go in EVERYDAY to do Maths & English exams, (hopefully the last time having to do them) with my usual lessons in-between. It will be a HECTIC week, but I'll sail through it, like a calm breeze.

Just in case if there are any walking fanatics out there reading this, let me give you the lowdown about the mindful benefits of walking in the outdoors. Especially in the sunny weather, I can think of literally nothing better to do than spend my day going on long walks. This is a psychological effect on the brain's hormone called "Serotonin" which helps your brain to boost its mood, therefore, has a domino effect on your mood. 

Here's the source link if you're curious to find out more: https://www.healthline.com/health/depression/benefits-sunlight#_noHeaderPrefixedContent 


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