It's perfectly human to have an "Ugh" day

Evening everyone, as of now, I'm glad to say that I'm currently on half-term. This means I'll have more free time on my hands to invest in my blogging again. Not only that, but all my coursework is done and up to date.

Here's to a well earned week off!

On a slight downer, though, I haven't felt like doing anything today. It's one of those days where I lack motivation to produce productivity. I like to call these particular days: "Ugh days"

The way how I see myself experiencing one of these specially named days, is where my mind tells me that its lacking thought power, otherwise known as motivation, so it goes into recharging mode.

During recharging mode, my mind paces up and down, as if it was an alive human being walking about inside my head. If any of you reading know how to relate to this, then you can obviously understand how frustrating it can be to feel like your mind doesn't want to work with your motivation right now. 

Realistically, the reality of the recharging process is me just trying to keep myself sane from going insane. If that makes sense? I say this, as it could be worse when you could inevitably be stuck with a dead battery for days.

To peice everything together here, there is absolutely nothing wrong with having an "Ugh" day. We humans have to experience it sometime in life.

If anything, it shows that your mind needs to recharge for a stronger function. To put it another way, it recharges for you (as a character) to keep on playing in the real world video game.


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