How I like to vision clean slate

Thank god this week is nearly over... Not going to lie here, I've really not had the best of weeks. Variations from the crap weather, ongoing personal life stuff and of course... Her Majesties tragic passing.

However, as it's now the weekend, this is where I plan out my clean slate prior going into the new week ahead. Hence, I thought about using this post to talk with everyone about how I like to vision my clean slate. A little moreover on that, I like to to this phrase to make me feel better after any bad week I've had.

Lauren's recipe for a clean slate in 3 simple steps: 

Step 1) Review the week you've had in full, regardless of how good or bad it had been. 

Step 2) After your review, make a summery of all the things that didn't work out for you and use them to make improvements on. 

Step 3) By the time you've made your following week improvement plan, (otherwise known as clean slate) you can start to look into the following week with a smiley gratitude and say: "Next week is going to be better for me".

My overall outcome for this post is to inspire everyone about how they vision their meaning of clean slate, as well as how they intend to improve on themselves. Whatever your thoughts, don't hesitate to leave a comment.

Here's to a better next week.🙂


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