24 months of this blog...

Having realised what today is, (as the title states) I wanted to talk about the soul purpose of the reason why I had decided to create this blog. But also, to compare what this blog is looking like now in contrast to where it all began out 2yrs ago.

*I tried to make the picture above for this blog post as artistic as possible. I had to use my phone to do it all from scratch*

When it had first started: When I had first created this blog, (12/12/2020) I thought about using it to showcase my initiative. And my initiative happens to be posting content on all things psychology. I remember when I got my blog up and running, I became so motivated to making as many publishes as possible by only wanting to do professional content.

What I mean by professional content, is that I would always post random topics consisting of psychological factors that would play a part of those topics. I even used to title all of them with the rhetorical question method, so it made the blog posts I used to do back then look professional to what you see on a entrepreneur style blog. If you was to look back on these posts I did back then, you would see I had spent at least 7 months doing these posts using the rhetorical question method for my title.

How is it going now: I would say for the very least that my motivation for publishing psychological content has taken a big knock. Not in a negative way, but more or less in a way that I need to slow down a bit. Reason being, as I had discovered that if I was to post professional psychological content on here, I would need spend a lot of productive time doing research on a particular topic in order to get all the right information. For example, see: Let's talk about #ADHD This post took me a week to complete, because I wanted to ensure I had all the right & relevant information to make this a professional factual post. I didn't want to just ramble on without any evidence.

Something else I have been using my blog for a lot in recent months is to openly talk about how I have been feeling. Since this is a blog after all, I feel it's also a good idea to talk about my feelings on here. I do follow a blogger who does this all the time. Hence, my inspiration to do the same. (I'll save that discussion for another post) With all that said, I don't just want my blog to be all about professional psychological content. I've realised that it's just as important to talk about myself as well by raising important awareness, such as #MentalHealth.


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