Wrapping up 2022 early...

As the title states, I will be publishing my last blog post of this year. This is because I intend to spend the remainder of the Christmas break in wind down mode. Meaning, I want to take a lengthy relaxation break. With that said, I shall plan to be back working on here sometime after new year.

Not only am I signing off early, but I also want to utilise this time I've got now to briefly talk about what I want to do for next year, without disclosing too much information. There may even contain a small bit of evaluation as to how I feel about what I want to do for next year as well.

What are my plans for 2023?

Asides from doing what I already do now in terms of posting psychology content on here, I want to be looking into more deeper psychological stuff with a deeper meaning to something and distribute them on here. Moreover on that, I want to be able to use these deep psychological posts to inspire people reading by thinking how these psychological meanings are used to shape the world. To put what I'm saying in more basic terms, diving more deeper into the world of psychology.

Another thing I've been thinking about doing for next year, is to start coming out of my comfort zone by connecting with other people who share the same passion as me. These can vary from joining psychology groups on social media or on the internet. In terms of my blog, I want to connect to other bloggers, again, that share the same passion. I for one, have never really been a person who joining in with community groups, as I've personally always been a shy person when it comes to this kind of thing. However, I feel like soon would be the right enough time for me to finally push myself out there to joining online communities. Especially if it's to share my passion with other people who also share the same passion as me.

Finally, and possibly the biggest one (if I can make it work) is to get myself actively involved with mental health charities, as I am also hugely passionate about mental health. This is something which I feel rather optimistic about doing the more I think about it. 

That's pretty much everything I've got to say. I hope everyone enjoys the remainder of what's left of 2022, including Christmas & NYE, and I shall be back here again in 2023!😊


  1. Good luck with all your endeavours in 2023 Lauren - you really do deserve to succeed ❤❤
    Lynda (Nan)


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