Caffeine & ADHD

Hello everyone! How are we halfway through the year already!? It literally felt as though everyday from NYD has just flown by.

As the above title states, I will be talking about how caffeine & ADHD work well together. And as luck would have it, this article on WebMD explains EXACTLY that! Obviously, as I intend on maintaining this blog to professional standards, I will be explaining everything into my own words, as I don't want to be lazy by just copying & pasting. This was another article which I have been saving for a long while, (my unforeseen absence period) in case if I'm having trouble thinking of anything creative for me to publish onto my site.

Overview: It's not uncommon that people living with ADHD tend to display compulsive behaviour. If we look at drinks for instance, people living with ADHD often crave on caffeine. (Any in the above picture) They have a tendency to crave caffeine, mainly because of the excessive energy effects that comes with it.

It's also not uncommon for people living with ADHD to eat/drink something to help them maintain their focus throughout the day. From what I've gathered in the article, and from a couple of in-person witnesses as well, caffeine is popularly associated with ADHD. This is because that caffeine can become additive, and ADHD folk have been known to create addictive behaviours to anything possible.

Here's my source link if anyone is interested to read through:

*This post actually got started on the previous day (28/6/23), but ended up being pushed back to complete today (29/6/23) due to me being out working*


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