
Showing posts from October, 2023

Growth Mindset VS Fixed Mindset

Happy Sunday all! I hope you've all had a great week, wherever you are in the world. I've mainly been busy prioritizing my self-care throughout this week by not spending too much time on the internet, as spending too much time on the internet does genuinely kill my productiveness. Anyway, as the title states, I shall be explaining what is a growth & a fixed mindset, as well as explaining the differences between them both. This was another one of those psychology studies which I have learned about back in my 1st year of my Public Services course at college, but had never gotten round to sharing it onto here. The fascinating aspect about this study, is that it can be used to analyse other people's minds. This can mostly be effective for when you are watching studying answer some questions in a classroom. The same method can also apply for when your mind is being studied by somebody else. What is a growth mindset? A growth mindset is where you are always looking for ways t

The psychology behind social media influencers

Good evening everyone, and happy Friday! I hope you've all had a good week doing whatever you've been up to. As for me over here, I've been busy for the first 3 days with my extra credit, then I had 2 days of doing nothing. As of right now, I thought about doing another blog post, since I currently have nothing else more important to do.  As the title states, I will be explaining the psychology of what makes people think they are social media influencers. I was actually doing my research on this whilst on my lunchbreak on Wednesday.  What is a social media influencer? A social media influencer is a type of person who likes to make themselves look, as well as be popular across every social media existing. They do this by constantly posting what they like doing, with the sole intention of attracting followers, and people liking their posts.  What makes social media influencers popular in today's society?   Social media influencers are becoming increasingly popular by the

My thoughts on the "Check in on those around you" video

Alrighty, although World Mental Health Day has come & gone, I still want to provide you all with a video that shares a silent, but powerful message.  As the title states, I also want to share my thoughts on the video, as I want to spread the important awareness of checking in on the people around you. This is because everyone has a right to check in on people around them, as it helps to those people to feel wanted when they feel like they are alone by thinking that nobody cares about them. Even though this video (below) is produced by Norwich City FC, it was also a collaboration with Samaritans for the purpose of raising awareness on World Mental Health Day.    What do I think of this video? I think this video was very well presented, as its aim was to spread the importance of checking in on whoever is around you. In this case, the video consisted of 2 men at a Norwich City FC football game. The man on the right was clearly trying to enjoy himself. The man on the left was also happ

A little something for #WorldMentalHealthDay

Evening all, I hope you've been well doing whatever you've been doing today. This is especially because it is an important day. (In my opinion anyway) As the title states, I want to share my say on World Mental Health Day with you all on here. This is because of 2 valid reasons. Firstly, I personally deal with anxiety from time-to-time, which can sometimes interfere with my daily life. Secondly, it is important for me to show my respect for this important world day, as I currently have 2 voluntary jobs with MIND & Samaritans. As of today, as well as everyday, there are people all over the world who battle with their mental health. (Myself included) They may act as though they are fine on the outside, but in reality, they could be feeling insecure in the inside. It can be very deceiving. Also as of today, too many people are choosing to end their lives due to feeling alone with their mental health, or due to being let down repeatedly by the mental health system. I cannot eve

A little something for #WorldTeachersDay

Hello everyone, I know I'm a bit late on this, but I felt like I wanted to share my say on World Teachers Day.  What is my reason for this? This is because I happen to have a passion for education, and I personally feel like everybody has a right to be educated, regardless of who they are & what they are. Moreover to this point, education gives people opportunities to thrive & become successful in the real world. This is why I want to provide an insight to what it means to be a teacher. Just to be clear, I am not an actual qualified teacher myself, but I do consider to obtain some teacher-like qualities. World Teachers Day is purposely aimed at teachers all over the world. They work tirelessly hard to the best of their ability to provide education to anyone anywhere in the world. Asides from providing people with education, teachers will happily go out of their way to ensure that a person is well & happy. After all, a well & happy mindset is a healthy combination to

Why looking after your mental health is important during the autumn season

Well, October has come around again as quickly as that. Which also means that autumn has officially begun, and those longer nights will be slowly drawing as we head towards winter. As the title says, I came across this post on the Samaritans Facebook page, and thought that I would share what I have seen on here, so you all can get a glimpse of it as well. Although Samaritans had actually shared the post from another blogging website, called: MentalHealthUK. Rather than break this bit down into rhetorical question paragraphs, I'll just insert my personal insight, which will explain what I like to do during the autumn period. First off, I try & make an effort to go out exercising as much as possible during my spare time. This is mainly because I want to keep myself in good shape when the temperature turns colder. But also, I like to do this to keep my mental health in sanity mode. Whilst on the subject of mental health, I like to keep myself occupied with different things as well