
Showing posts from December, 2023

Conversations In The Community Review + Key Takeaways (A MIND accredited online course)

Hello all! As the above title states, I will be distributing what I have learned, as well as include some key takeaways/points from an online course that I have managed to complete recently. A little backstory for you here, I was working at my MIND store one day back in July, and I happen to glace up at a poster which was advertising an online course associated with MIND. Me, being the curious-minded person I am, only decided to scan the QR code on the poster to see what the said course (in the above title)  was all about. Then me, also being the scatter-brained (sometimes) person that I am, only managed to get through 1/5 modules the next day, before ending up not getting around to doing it again until a week ago.   *This was the only convenient picture I could find on the internet* What was the online course about? Conversations In The Community is purely about educating people about the best ways of beginning, flowing & ending conversations with other people. And this can be hav

An introduction to MIND Side By Side

Evening all, and happy Friday! I hope you're all looking forward to celebrating Christmas this year, however you may choose to celebrate it.  In contrast, it is important to bare in mind that some people out there may not choose to celebrate Christmas due to certain issues they could be dealing with. An example of this could be their mental health. I, for one, can totally relate to this, so I know how it feels to be overwhelmed during the run up to Christmas. Let alone on Christmas Day. Whilst still on this subject, I have just recently signed myself up to the MIND Side By Side community scheme. Although I have only discovered this community scheme within a short amount of time, I can already provide a useful introduction about it to anyone who is also considering to join up as well. What is Side By Side? Side By Side is an online community group, where people all over the world can connect with one another. Going into more depth, Side By Side creates a sole purpose of supporting p

How making my own plans can make me feel so productive

Evening everyone! Hope you're having a good week so far. Just to prewarn you all that this is going to be one of these posts where I just type as I go along. Meaning, it's not scripted beforehand. The main reason behind this post, (as the above title states) is because I've personally been feeling pleased with myself in terms of my productiveness lately. As a matter of fact, I felt like 2023 has been a brilliant year for me, (and its not often I'd say that about how each year has been for me either) as I've been productive with so many things this year. Let alone get myself involved with new work opportunities, which help towards my future career in the police force. I know I STILL do have the capacity to lack at plan making due to me sometimes lacking motivation & productiveness. My mind simply likes to zone out wherever possible. Especially on a day where I know full well I'm not going to be doing anything. Hence my "Ugh days".  But the 1 thing I

Happy 3rd Birthday to PsychologyIntake!

Yes, as the title states, I will be taking a brief moment to celebrate 3rs of my blogging site!🎉 I know 3yrs may seem like a short amount of time as the days & months go by, but to me, it feels like it has been an eternity! (Even though it hasn't😂) Throughout my time as a blogger, (so far) I have: Talked about the psychology behind certain things, such as social media influencing Talked about how sport & psychology go well together Showed pictures of things to talk about my personal perspective behind them Spoken up about mental health & its effects  Shared my research on neurological disorders, such as ASD Liaised my work with LinkedIn  Shared my research from other sites, such as Psychology Today  Talked about why exercising is good for your mental health (Hence the 310,000 steps challenge in aid of Samaritans) Spoken up about the benefits of volunteering (Hence my part-time voluntary vacancies with MIND & Samaritans) Shared some personal insight about what I do

A little something for #InternationalVolunteerDay

Good evening everyone! I hope you're all enjoying your week so far. I know that I am 2 days late, but I felt like doing a post based on International Volunteer Day. And since I have a voluntary job myself, I want to provide you with some useful & inspirational insight that will, hopefully, reduce the stereotypical stigma of not being a "proper" or "actual" job just because it doesn't pay you money. Since the 18th of January, I have been working at a local MIND Charity shop as a shop volunteer, and have enjoyed every second of it to this day. Not only am I enjoying working for a charity that I am hugely passionate about, but every job I do in the shop helps to go to a well worthy cause, as well as support the community. Now, some of you might be reading this thinking to yourselves: "Why would you want to do a job that is not earning you money?" Here's my personal response: It's not about the money, it's about working with people in t

The psychology behind I'm A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here!

Happy Friday all! I cannot believe we're now in December already?! This only means I can begin the official countdown to Christmas, my birthday & 2024. (They all come at once for me within just 7 days😂   ) Putting that obvious, but irrelevant information aside, I want to do a kind of blog post which I haven't done for as long as I could remember the last time I did so. (As the 3 first words in the above title state) And because it's also that time of year again, where a certain iconic TV programme invades ITVX (as it's now known as these days) for 4 weeks, I felt like discussing the psychology that lies behind it. Just to pre-warn you all, I will be sharing my thoughts in this post as well. I'm sure most people can say that I'm A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here is one of the most entertaining programmes to come around every year, as 12 celebrities participate in scary & silly challenges. All of which is set in a remote jungle located in Australia. And the