How going out travelling makes me feel good about myself

Good evening everyone, and I hope you've all had a great week! Without sugar-coating things here, I'm just going to be honest and say that I have been reluctant to type on here lately. Mainly due to being too occupied with my life. Going into more detail on that, I have recently been working at Challengers on Wednesday's, doing Maths every Monday & Tuesday, and I am please to announce that I will be working every Thursday & Friday at my new job soon...!

However, I have been trying to fit in my love for travelling in between. Meaning on the days I have nothing planned. 

For as long as I can remember, I have always been a keen lover of travel, which is why I feel like talking about how travelling makes me feel good about myself.

*The above picture was taken from my most recent trip up into Oxford, I had taken so many that it was hard to pick just 1😂*

Whenever I get the chance to go out & explore somewhere where I haven't been to before, my mind gets a boost of motivation by wanting to know what will be awaiting me. In other words, it gets this sense of excitement.

Even when I typically spend all day walking around a place, my mind experiences a feeling of pleasurable lost by taking in every bit of scenery. It's like I'm actually living in a daydream where I am conscious of what I am doing.

Furthermore, going out travelling to different places makes me feel good about myself, as it provides me with a sense of adventure. Not to mention that I feel more powerfully independent. Best of all, I feel positive & free knowing I am doing what I love!

*I began this post on the 26/1/24, but didn't finish it until the 29/1/24*


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