The psychology behind #BrewMonday

Happy beginning of the week everyone! If you follow and/or work for Samaritans or MIND, you would know for yourselves it's that time of year again.

It's the day where the iconic mythical phrase "Blue Monday" transforms into "Brew Monday". Why? This is because we believe there is no such thing as a Blue Monday which occurs on the 3rd Monday after Christmas Day. Realistically speaking, anyone could have a Blue Monday. 

The idea behind Brew Monday, is to gather people together using the fine innovative of involving a cuppa & a few other things. I can definitely see how the initiative is proving to be a big success with Samaritans, as they are passionate about connecting with people & communities by always providing a listening ear to their thoughts. In which, they are still thriving on to this day & age! 

I can see how Samaritans must have thought to themselves: "If it's popular to have a cuppa everyday in reality, then why not create an annual initiative based on the the cuppa everyday reality!" Not to mention the increase of support showed for Brew Monday, as it helps it's advertisement across social media.

All I all, Brew Monday is another one of these community get togethers, whether it's done in person, at work, or social media. Ot can be hosted in anyone's fashion. However, the inclusion of a cuppa just makes Brew Monday a lot more convincing & encouraging for more people to get involved, because, let's face it, we all enjoy having a conversation with a cuppa! We're in GB for crying out loud!


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