The power of picking yourself back up after being knocked down

Hello all, I know I'm not active on here as much as I used to be anymore, but I wanted to come on here and reflect on how I've been feeling all week. 

Let's just say, I've not had the best of weeks. Although it had actually been that way from Tuesday onwards.

My outcome for this post, is that I can talk about what had made me how I have felt from Tuesday - Today, as well as use this feeling as a learning curb. The joined purpose of this post, is to inspire other people who may be reading this post to do the same if they happen to experience a similar week to mine.

It had all started after Monday, where I needed to attend a special training course in order to start my new promotion at work. I felt like at the time: "It's just a course where I just have to sit and pay close attention to everything that has been said." "It'll be as easy as pie." However, it wasn't like that at all...

Especially at the end of it, where there was a sudden assessment to undertake. I just dived into it head first, thinking that I can whizz through it without any problems. I didn't end up finishing it. And as a unfortunate result, I was told by my supervisor not to return to work until I redo & pass the training course.

After receiving that news on Tuesday, I felt a sudden loss with what to do with myself from that point going forwards. I was like my mind had suddenly gotten lost in a maze, and cannot seem to think of a way out of it. That feeling ended up sticking around for the remainder of the week.

Luckily for me, I understood the psychology behind my feeling, so I figured that there was no point of feeling lost all of the time until I can return to work. For 1, life is too short to feel this way all of the time. Secondly, this gives me a chance to do more things that I want to do. With that said, I am planning on doing something which shall keep me occupied throughout the whole of next month. That will be for another post.

What have I learned from this? I have learned that doing things (or will be doing) that I enjoy doing helps to distract me from the reality of my situation.

*I had began this post on the 22/6/24, but didn't finish it until the 24/6/24*


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