How having a hobby/habit makes you who you are

Hello everyone, hope you've all been keeping well. As this is the 1st off day I've got in what seems like an eternity, I thought I'd utilise this time wisely by talking about a video that I came across earlier in the week from MINDSET THERAPY.

The video consists of a deep & powerful message of how having a continuous hobby or habit makes you who you are. This video really speaks to me, as I happen to be 1 of these people who have a hobby & a habit (several in fact) that formats oneself into who they are to this day which helps them to transform into a successful individual.

Another way of explaining this meaning, is that you don't need dozens of educational qualifications to define who you are. Your intentions define who you are instead. It's not like you need to go for, or even obtain 11 different GCSE's just for the sake of proving to people that you are capable of doing something. Doing something out of pure passion & interest is what really speaks about you. The video below should hit you deep with thought. 

*Note: I was only able to get the link, as the website wouldn't let me paste the video : (*


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