
Showing posts from June, 2021

My best nostalgic moment of all time

It's been a week since my last appearance, due to me focusing finishing College for the summer and going out to work. But here I am again in my free time, looking for ideas for my upcoming posts, when... ker-ching! I know what to post today! As the above title states, this is a happend something which relates to ME, so it's not going to be a public educational post. However, please do feel free to read if you are interested. On this day in 2018... (29th June) At 3:15pm, I was walking around my School car park trying to look for my taxi, when I happen to see my first ever taxi escort (when I was in reception class) having a conversation with my current escort; Kay. Although, I've technically seen her around for 3 months by then, but when I first saw her for the first time in which seemed like a decade ago, I was like: "No way! That can't be her, my first ever escort who I haven't seen for ages!" Her name was Lee by the way. Whilst Kay and Lee were enjoying

Why is it important to make yourself into an example?

I said I'll hopefully be back in 2 days time from my previous post... and I was right! Anyways, I hope everyone is enjoying their week right now, as I currently am. Hence I feel like creating an exciting post today. In this post, I shall be highlighting the several ways of "Making yourself into an example" as well as talking about why is it important. *After reading this post, I guarantee that you'll be feeling inspired to give my advice a try!*     How can you make yourself into an example? Be positive - This will reflect good on other people including yourself. Highlight your interests - This will encourage your audience to the same. Motivate your mood to the audience - This will help THEM to feel motivated with whatever they wish to achieve.  Give out a backstory - This will help people to understand you better, as well as praise you for your journey and inspire THEM to tell you theirs in order for THEM to be praised. Be knowledgeable - This will help your audience

"The internet is like a genie in a lamp" My own definition with added psychological explanation

Yes, I am fully aware that this title may sound strange to most or even all of you, but once I begin my explanation about it, you'll understand what I am talking about. This is a definition which I've come up with ages ago now, so I thought about sharing its meaning, as well as what people think about when using it. What does this definition mean? It means, that when you think about anything you wish to look for on your mind, you type it up in the search bar on the internet and... BOOM. The internet finds EXACTLY what you wanted to look for! Example given:  You want to find out the best Spanish recipes   Why does a genie relate to this definition? You know when you rub a genie's lamp or bottle and they appear straight away? You then say: "I wish I can play my favourite computer game on the internet" Before you even know it, you get your wish granted and you're playing your favourite computer game on the internet, as it felt like yesterday enjoying them good ti

"Show up!" Motivational Quotes

Hey everyone, I hope you're all having a good week thus far. Especially now the Euro 2020 has now begun recently, and I'm happy that England have won their first game. Hopefully, we'll be able to make it past the group stages! I feel like I need to address my readers with more verbal motivational content, well... look no further! What does the expression "Show up" mean? It means you MUST make an effort to attend every single thing, regardless of how you are feeling. For example: Running classes When you are feeling too tired to go to class - SHOW UP! When you lack confidence about performing on stage - SHOW UP! When you feel nervous about walking into a huge room with 50 people - SHOW UP!  When you don't feel like exercising when you have to - SHOW UP! When you have to face your fears - SHOW UP! When you attempt at trying something new and don't succeed - SHOW UP! When you get humiliated by failing at something and wish to quit - SHOW UP! My advice to you

The definition of "Your mind is a magnet"

Hello one and all! I know it's been a while since I was last active on here, this was due to me working throughout half term, so I didn't have much time to maintain my focus on my site...😔 However, I finally once again have some free time to kill, so I can continue with my blogging!😁 I shall be talking about the used expression "Your mind is a magnet" What does this expression mean? It means that your mind has the capacity of attracting positive thoughts and negative thoughts. How does this expression work? First of, try and imagine that your mind is a magnet. You could either think about positive thoughts or negative thoughts. What does it do to you? Word of warning and foremost, when you choose to think about either one of these thoughts, they keep on coming into your mind like a travelator, which therefore, will be stuck in your mind like glue. When you choose to attract positive thoughts into your mind, they will help to boost your mood in full-on happy mode for