
Showing posts from July, 2021

How does watching sport inspire us?

Happy Friyay people! We have now finished day 7 of The 2020 Olympics. I have to say, the UK are doing well, but at the same time, we could still be better, as we're only at the halfway mark during the duration of the games taking place. Yes, my above title will be related to The Olympics, as I really find it fascinating how it can inspire us all around. Plus, I thought about selecting the most appropriate picture too! My objective for this post, will be to further inspire the minds of other people, when I explain all of the how's and why's in my thoughts explanation.   Why are The Olympics so popular to the public? The Olympic Games have been an ongoing 4 year tradition, ever since its first games hosted in Athens - Greece in 1896. The games had a vary of events, such as: running, long jump, boxing and javelin. Even though, technology was non-existent back then, so everyone had to use their own imagination to think of the many ways they can recreate THEIR own Olympic Game

What is beneficial about "Looking forwards in life"?

I'm back!😁  Yes, I purposely took a long and fore filling break, because A: I've been on holiday recently. B: I've been having trouble with what to talk about. This is why taking this lengthily break helped me to cook up new ideas for some upcoming posts... In this case, this one is related to our defeat against the Italians 2 Sundays ago. I will admit, when we lost, I felt the tears running around in my head and they were screaming to be let out by me, as I was so whelmed up by everything that's happened during the whole game. In the end, I realized that it was only best to reflect on the team's journey during this tournament and looking forward in life. (Explanation coming up)   Fun fact: This is a popular quote which can be explained in many different ways! What does this quote mean? It means, that you acknowledge something great is eventually going to happen to you in life, but in order to achieve that greatness, you HAVE to keep looking forwards at your future

A bit of Monday Motivation

Happy Monday peeps! I hope you're all having a good one. I was intending to post over the weekend, but I was having trouble with cooking up ideas for my next post, hence why I thought about something today instead. I feel like giving my audience a bit of Monday Motivation to help boost their mood for the week. More to it, I suppose this would be appropriate to use the phrase "The milk of human kindness" If you know what that means?   "Whatever happened yesterday, don't worry about it, as it's all in the past." "Today is a new day for you to go out and achieve something closer to your goal." "If you don't succeed on that day, there's always the next day, next week, next month or next year to try and achieve your goal." "There is no race to achieving your goal, as the world will always keep on spinning."  "If you think you can do it? GO FOR IT AND SMASH IT!" That's all for today, thank you for reading thr

Why do people get overhyped about football?

Wow... 7 months I've been blogging now! I'm so honestly amazed of how I've managed to stick to it for this long.  *Inserts applauding noises here*👏🏻 Anyway, I hope everyone is enjoying their week, as well as the Euro 2020. Yes, I say that, because we are now through to the quarter finals, where we will be playing Ukraine on Saturday.😄 Since we're on the topic of football, I thought about specializing this post for just such an appropriate occasion. I just like to justify that football is NOT for everyone, so I honestly see no need for people to criticise one another, just because it's a popular sport worldwide. (Almost) What is it about football that makes it so popular? For starters, they began making European and almost worldwide tournaments back in 1888 by a guy named: William McGregor. Link here: Secondly, as the ever-growing tradition became so successful, It attracted many fans from all over the globe! At this stage in time,