
Showing posts from February, 2022

What does it mean when you dream about someone?

Hello my people! I hope everyone is enjoying their weekend thus far. As for me, I've been back at my busy everyday college routine once again. During my productive week off, I was curiously looking into the fascinating topic of dreams. To be more specific, I was looking into what happens when you dream about someone, and of course, why! *Disclaimer*   This evidence was looked into before publishing.   I didn't just make it all up as I went along. You see, sometimes we have these dreams, where we can actually see somebody (or more) in them. The overall question is: Why do we dream about them? Research has shown that we dream about people we know, based on how we feel about them. With that said, these type of dreams could be telling us to pay more close attention to that person we keep thinking about. Whilst our mind is unconscious, it is trying to connect the dots to help us find more evidence. All in all, it is a fascinating experiment to acknowledge how our unconscious mind ca

Announcement for something happening next month...

Hello all!  First off, I just like to say that I've had a great week of keeping myself productive! I said in my previous post that I will be off limits prior towards my screen time. Being away from my screen, allows me to detox my mentality, so I'll be able to think more clearly in terms of planning important stuff. Also, as the title states, this will be ONE of my good things to come in the long run...  Throughout next month, I will be participating in the 310,000 steps challenge, in aid of Samaritans Charity. With that said, though, I will find it difficult to be keeping myself active in my blogging business. So if I happen to not be publishing much by then, you'll know why. Back to my challenge topic.  I personally feel like me taking part in this challenge, will benefit me to stay physically active, so it inspires me to be determined to achieve something. No matter how big or small that something is. Furthermore, doing this challenge should inspire other people to enjoy

Good things are coming...😁

Yes, I've got various things to look forward to within the next few weeks! I say few weeks, but these things could may well run up towards April. This is what set my excitement tone for today! However, I intend to keep it that way, by keeping myself sane and being productive with my time during my week off college. That means I will not be doing any blog work for this week. I always remind myself to limit the amount of screen time I have. Too much blue light can cause headaches. I'm sure many of you out there can relate to this, as we all need to take an essential time out from the internet world, so we can prioritize our mental health on the productive side of life. All in all, have a great week everyone! P.S HVD💘

*Blog update*

I know some of you are made aware already that I've changed my blog address to: . If not, then I'll fill you in on that now... I've decided to change my blog address from to , so it makes it look more official to the audience. (Otherwise known as everyone reading!) But since I've made that small change, my blog Isn't accessible via the internet for now. So in the meantime, I'll do my advertising on social media. Thank you for your patience and understanding.😊   

How does reading make people open their eyes to the world?

Finally got a day to myself today!  I was originally going to publish this on Sunday, but I never got round to doing it in the end. Anyways, I took a short trip to Farnborough on Saturday, I happen to stumble upon The Works store, so I had a look around and that's when I discovered the book area... I've gotta admit, that book area had some decent books. As of such, I even read through the ones I liked the look of.  Whilst enjoying my momentarily reading session, it got me thinking long and hard... There is more to life than just playing console games, wearing popular sport clothing and wearing expensive trainers. (As a person who used to vaguely relate to this, I feel like I need to make myself heard for others to listen) My perspective from reading: These were my thoughts when I got lost reading a few educational books. (Meaning, I was really enjoying them) "Wow! Inhaling this knowledge can make a really big impact on my future".  "I suspect these authors must b