From my pictured perspective: #2

I was originally going to make this publish yesterday, but I had other stuff to do which then lead me to being too tired after, therefore I've pushed it back to today. Plus, I'm going away on a short holiday for the weekend, so I might as well get this post out of the way whilst I still can.

Backstory: I went on a 2hr walk around my local area yesterday afternoon. By the time I had finished my walk, I couldn't figure out what to take a picture of and give it an inspirational piece of talk. Fortunately, I thought about taking a picture of some rather long steps, as I know you can give out a psychological message when looking at some steps.

I shall name this picture: "Every big goal has its own steps to take". 

Conclusion: Whilst it is always good to have at least one big goal in mind, it is always important to bare in mind that there will always be little steps to take on that road to achieving that big goal, as no big goal can ever be achieved within just one shot; It has to be broken down into smaller steps to make it more do-able. Gradually going up each step helps you to focus on tackling on one obstacle at a time, as it gives you preparation to go higher which will eventually give you all the advantages to readily tackle the biggest step.


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