The 6 thinking hats

Glad to be getting back into my productive stride on my blog again! This is mainly due to the fact that I've not been too majorly occupied with other things going on in my busy life atm.

This is something which I've literally discovered a short while ago. Of course, I made sure I did enough research about it beforehand. In all fairness, all of it was relatively easy for me to understand. Hence, the reason to post it now.


*The attached picture of the 6 thinking hats is just one of its many ways of being defined, as it has other ways of defining it. This one happens to be my favourite*

Who is the inventor?

The inventor is psychologist Dr Edward de Bono who had invented the 6 thinking hats in 1985, and his reason for this invention was inspired by coming across structural creative thinking.

What do the 6 thinking hats mean?

The 6 thinking hats overall, are defined as a method to be able to form creative ideas. To do this, every one of the 6 hats (or people in real life) has to have a part to play in order to make planning results happen. I suppose an example of this would be 6 people in a meeting room trying to structure a working plan.

What are my views on the 6 thinking hats?

I think the 6 thinking hats initiative is a great psychological idea of getting a group of 6 people together to create one working idea, as the definitions of the 6 thinking hats will encourage those people to get into their working idea roles without having to get into a panic. With that said, I definitely agree that it's a good initiative that every team participant will get to understand their role of the 6 thinking hats beforehand by preventing panic to find one, as well as learn about one of the 6 thinking hats at the very last second.  

Research source information:

*I had actually began this post on the 17/11, but didn't get round to finishing it until today*


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